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Emmesere's POV

**Revenge of The Sith**
Padme and I have arrived on Coruscant before any news of Anakin and Obi Wan came through. The council and other political figures greet us as we arrive, I had no choice but to wear the looser fitting clothes Padme had provided for me.
"Nice to see you again my former Padawan." Master Yoda greets me.
"Its nice to see you as well Master Yoda. Its feels like a long time since I was last here with Anakin."
"You cannot go back to Naboo My Lady." Windu says.
"With the war going on we need to make sure you are surrounded by as many Jedi as possible. Emmesere will continue to guard you here."
"Forgive me, Master Windu, but I cannot and will not be kept from Naboo. Emmesere does wonderfully she is becoming very powerful and is constantly at my side, weather I ask her to be or not. She protects me."
"Emmesere, something to add you have?" Yoda asks.
"With all due respect to all of you I do believe that I can better protect Senator Amidala on her home planet where I can blend in and be undetected as a Jedi. My lightsaber is always hidden and on hand if I need it. Please allow me to continue to protect and carry out my mission!"
"Very well you can continue to guard Senator Amidala on Naboo but if you find that you are unable to protect her alone come straight back!"
After unpacking and helping Padme unpack she allows me to hide behind a pole for my husband who we had found out was coming inside now. I smile when I see Anakin and how handsome he had become, he sees me but doesn't acknowledge me at first until Senator Organa and Amidala turn to him as he finishes speaking, "Excuse me."
As soon as their backs are turned he runs towards me a bit and throws his arms around me, he swings me around in his arms. Setting me down and we kiss, then I say, "Oh, Anakin."
We continue to hug and he says, "I've missed you Emmesere."
I sigh and say, "Padme and I heard whispers and rumors that you'd been killed."
"I'm alright. It feels like we've been apart for a lifetime."
He kisses me again and I say, "No, not here."
"Yes, here I'm tired of all this deception. I don't care if they know we are married!"
"Don't say things like that."
We hug again and I suddenly start shaking as I remember my news for him. He senses my mood change and says pulling away, "You're anxious and trembling. You are excited. Are you alright? What's going on?!"
"Something wonderful has happened...Ani, I'm pregnant!"
"That's........wonderful......I'm excited! It's everything I have ever wanted."
"What are we going to do?" I ask trembling with fear and anxiety.
"We are not going to worry about anything right now. Alright? This is a happy moment...the happiest moment of our lives!" He says smiling putting his hand on my cheek.
And we kiss again.

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