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Emmesere POV

On my final day on Naboo Obi-Wan appears on hologram to speak to me, I try to adjust my appearance because Luke and Leia are clinging to me. But Obi-Wan smiles and says,

"Emmesere, it's alright I can see you have your twins with you and understand that you are not able to look perfect."

"I'm sorry Obi-Wan, I should not have disobeyed you and Master Yoda. I was careless because I..."

"Padme told me everything. And it can be hard to know what the right thing to do is sometimes. But the important thing is that you are alive."
"I am taking my lightsaber this time and I don't care what happens. And I am going to wear my necklace from Anakin."

"Emmesere, you really must be careful about Darth Vader and the Emperor they are more powerful than you and can kill you! Anakin may not always be able to take control of Darth Vader and win to bring you back or heal you."

"I have faith Obi-Wan, faith in the force and in Anakin."

"Very well I can see that you are becoming just as reckless as Anakin was before he became Vader. You had best get back to The Death Star."

"I am sorry for worrying you. As long as Luke and Leia are okay that's all I care about."
I change back into my black dress and set my twins down again, to hide my lightsaber under my dress.

I then pick them up and cradle them for a few minutes making sure to kiss them both goodbye and hug them. I start to tear up when I hear Padme's voice, "Emmesere, the ship is ready to take you back to the Death Star."

"I love you so, so much Luke and Leia. Be safe and happy for mommy." I tell them both kissing them again.

They start to cry and so do I but I hug Padme goodbye as well and make my way to the ship.


**Time Skip To Death Star**

I arrive back on the Death Star and not long after hear a voice on my comlink, "Come Isania, we have a lot to discuss in my office!" Darth Vader says coldly.

"Yes, I am coming now Lord Vader," I reply.

My hands shake as I enter his office and I try to stay calm but my feelings tell me something is wrong, "How was your trip?" he asks.

"It was nice I enjoyed going home!"

"I'm glad but don't get used to it because I won't grant you leave often. If the Emperor found out that you left you would be dead."

"Darth Vader, forgive me for asking but how was your trip?"

His dark yellow eyes narrow at me and a thin line forms on his lips as he looks at me, finally he says, "It was much needed for me to gain control of myself again."

I open my mouth and do something that could get me killed, "Anakin, it was so sweet of you to let me go visit my home."

"Get out," he yells.

"No!" I say firmly standing my ground.

I couldn't let Darth Vader push me out this time, I wouldn't let him keep me from Anakin.

"Come here," he says coldly.

I walk up to him and see the yellow eyes that I hated, and the dark circles under his eyes.

"What do you want me to do Lord Vader?" I ask.

He doesn't respond until I do something that shocks us both, I kiss him. Vader doesn't get angry or try to kill me instead he kisses back. We pull away and blue eyes look back at me, I smile and reach up to stroke his face.

Anakin closes his eyes and says, "Don't lie to me this time. Please, tell me the truth about who you are, I want to hear the whole story with proof."

"Ani, it's Emme from Tattoie I need you to focus on me and our force connection take some deep breaths. Don't let go of my hands we are going to your bedroom."

When we get to his room I take him into the bathroom and he says, "Why are we in my bathroom?"

"Because I need you to take off your shirt and look into the mirror. I need you to remember your past when we lived on Tattoie, feel the heat, the sand, and the sadness."

"I'm afraid that if I let go of you, you'll disappear or that Vader will take over and harm you."

"Anakin, you can do it! Focus on my eyes look at me and feel the force through our connection."

I watch as he slowly calms down becoming the man I had married. He removes his shirt and looks into the mirror at the scars on his back, deeper and more defined than they once had been. I notice a scar on his stomach with his still amazing abs, and he looks at me saying, "These scars were for you, Emme. On Tattoie Watto would always whip you but I took most of them because I hated seeing you cry and scream from it."

"I...do you...how did you get the other scar?"

"I got it because of you! My master cut me with his lightsaber among other things until I let Darth Vader come through. He told me you left me for Obi-Wan and that you were dead."

"Oh, Anakin, I could never betray you like that. I've loved you since the first day I met you when Watto bought you, I felt your emotions then too. I've always felt them, and now because of the bond in the force with you, it's stronger."

"So if you aren't dead then does this mean our baby is okay?"

I take a deep breath and say, "We have twins. A boy and a girl."

"Why are you so nervous and scared," he asks and I smile.

"Because I don't know how you will react."

"I'm so happy! I was so angry for so long and in constant pain because I thought I lost my family. And now I know that's not true."

"I am so glad to have you back Anakin," I whisper blushing.

I look up at his eyes again and my heart sinks when I see the dark yellow, "Pathetic Skywalker made an appearance again and I will never be Anakin Skywalker!" he growls.

We leave the bathroom and my heart aches at how close I had been to Anakin before Vader came back, it hurt so much. But what hurt me more was the fact that Anakin and I had shared a kiss in what has been a total of 12 months without not kissing.

Then just as quickly as he appeared he was gone leaving the monster in his place, I cry when I get back to our office, and Darth Vader glares at me.

"I wish you'd let me love you. All I ever need, and want is your love Anakin." I sob.

Darth Vader ignores me and says, "Here's your reassignment."

My mouth hangs open in shock at his words, I finally catch my breath and say, "What?"

"Your reassignment will be a member of my council as a sort of advisor. Or whatever you want to call it."

"But why are you promoting me, My Lord? I thought you hated me."

"Perhaps we underestimate one another Skywalker! Perhaps if you prove yourself worthy of your new position as a member of my council I will consider allowing an old friend to come and visit you from time to time."

"You mean...Anakin?"

Vader ignores me and says, "I'm appointing you because I killed someone for disobeying me recently and I know you won't do anything to anger me."

"Wow, did I just get a compliment from Lord Vader?"

He smirks at me and a hint of blue comes through the yellow, as he says, "Maybe Skywalker. But don't take it as an invitation to start flirting with me!"

"Don't worry I wouldn't dare," I reply sarcastically.

"Yes, you would. Because you're the only person on the Death Star who's screwed up and still alive!" 

Even though Darth Vader was serious I burst into laughter because I could hear Anakin in his statement. He doesn't get mad at me he just shakes his head and motions for me to follow him.

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