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A/N: Enjoy my twist on things with Count Dooku!! I have been waiting to write this for some time now! Hee heee haaa :) :)

Emmesere's POV

**The Clone Wars**

The Jedi had our reinforcements the clones fighting on land and air, and explosions on all sides of us. Our ship pilot does a weird flying motion and Padme falls out. 

Knowing we couldn't stop for her no one says anything, "Look it's Dooku on a scooter speeder!" Anakin shouts.

"Follow that speeder!" Obi-Wan calls to the pilot.

Our ship lands near a wall where Dooku's scooter speeder was parked, the three of us step from the ship and into the cave-like structure. Drawing our lightsabers.

"We move in together, you two on the..." Obi-Wan begins but Anakin interrupts saying,

"I'm taking him now!"

"Anakin, no!" Obi-Wan yells.

Anakin rushes towards Dooku and shouts, "You'll pay for all the Jedi you've killed today Dooku!"

Dooku uses his evil Sith lighting and slams Anakin against the wall. 

"Ani!" I shout rushing to his side.

I could see him breathing but he was barely conscious. I try to shake him awake but am not rewarded. Suddenly after a few minutes, he groans and sits up a little, "I'm okay Emme, but we should really help my Master."

I nod and after Dooku cuts Obi-Wan's leg Anakin and I race in to fight him.

"You must be Yoda's Padawan Emmesere Donndern the famed ex-slave from Tattoie. I've heard you're almost as good as your Master, I guess I'll have to test that rumor." he laughs and challenges us.

The two of us attack him only seeming to be no match for him until he tries to throw me against the wall this time, Anakin comes to my rescue and blocks the lightning with his lightsaber. Dooku then makes a move to cut off my fiance's arm but I shout, "Anakin, get out of the way!"

I then bring my lightsaber down onto Dooku's and I catch him off guard which gives Anakin the chance to cut Dooku's arm off.

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