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Emmesere POV

I wake up from Anakin's past memory and start crying as I shut the door to his closet and release all the pain in my system. Anakin was as heartbroken as I was and was tortured for his love of me. Darth Vader's whole personality made sense to me now, and I felt sorry for him. Well, for Anakin because he was tortured, and abused like a slave just because of me. 

I mostly cry because of the shame I feel for always being so relying on him to protect me, when he left me for training missions I protected myself. But when he came back to me I crumbled.

I look around trying to find the photo album but never find anything like what Piett had described, all I did discover is that Darth Vader was an alcoholic when Anakin took control.

When I can finally regain control of my emotions a bit I call Piett, on the comlink, "Piett, report to Lord Vader's room immediately. I will let you in." 

"Yes, Miss. Isania." 

When the force informs me of his presence I allow him through, and say, "I want to go to my home planet of Naboo. I...I...need some air. I need at least three days or a week if Lord Vader will allow it."

"I could radio him and see if he answers." 

"Would you?"

"Lord Vader, are you there? Over."

"What is it Piett?" Anakin's voice answers and he's drunk.

"Your...Emmesere wanted to know if she could go to her home planet of Naboo for three days or a week."

"Yes, she can go for three days and come back." he slurs and fades out.

I smile and leave Vader's room happy that I could see Luke and Leia I missed them both so much. As soon as I get to my room I begin packing but then realize I wouldn't need anything because in Naboo, I didn't need an all-black uniform.

I then call Padme, "It's me Isania. Are you there Senator Dalla?"

"I am what is it?"

"Darth Vader has granted me three days' leave so I can come visit my twins! He doesn't know that's why I want to go. He is gone so he won't be needing me."

"Wow sounds like you've made some progress with him." 

"I guess you could say that. Also, when I come back my hair is red so don't be shocked. I will explain everything as soon as I can."

"Alright, sounds good," Padme replies.

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