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Darth Vader and I landed in Naboo after a long flight, and I found myself sad that Anakin hadn't been the one flying. My husband was the best pilot I knew even if he made me puke, I enjoyed the moment we'd flown together in fighter jets, and speeders. 

"Emmesere, I sense a powerful shift in the force! I can't decide whether to destroy these Jedi or to spare them." Vader says.

My heart is pounding and fear rises in me as we walk to the palace, I keep hoping that Darth Vader will spare Luke and Leia once he sees them.

I reply to my surprise saying, "Perhaps you can meet them first My Lord, and decide if they are worthy of life." 

"What a great plan!" he says excitedly.

The excitement in his voice worries me and breaks my heart, the only thing I could envision was losing my precious babies." 

I see Padme as we approach and she has a neutral expression on her face but I could see her worry and fear threatening to slip over her face.

Darth Vader removes his hood and though I found myself longing for my husband's touch I fought the urge to move towards Vader. Anakin wasn't even able to fight him right now, I could sense that much.

"I'm sorry for the short notice Padme."

"It's okay Emmesere, you wouldn't have known what the Emperor was planning any sooner."

Darth Vader clears his throat and says, "Senator Amidala, I was sent here by the Emperor himself to find out why you've been less active in the rebel attacks."

Padme looks at me unsure of how to answer, in all my life I had never once seen her unsure of a response, the pleading from her gave me only more fear.

"We must be honest Senator Amidala, we can't conceal something he already senses in the force."

"So it is true you are harboring two Jedi in your midst, Senator! I wouldn't mind meeting them to see for myself what they are worthy of, and if they deserve death."

"Emmesere, this really isn't a good idea to allow Vader into the nursery," Padme whispers to me.

"I know I don't like it either but I can't risk angering Darth Vader, because he doesn't know the identity of the Jedi. Anakin does, so hopefully he recognizes his own power in the twins."

Darth Vader walks hard on the tiled marble floors and yells at me, "Skywalker, stop talking so much! You know I hate that!"

I smile apologetically to Padme who smiles back seeming to understand the difficulty of my situation. 

The three of us enter into the nursery and I say, "Lord Vader, the reason the force has led you here is because the answer as to why Senator Amidala hasn't been as active lately is in this room. The two Jedi are..."

He cuts me off and walks up to the crib and says, "The force is raging in these two! They are only babies but have signs of potential in the dark side. Who are the parents?"

I swallow hard and look from Vader to Padme and then to my twins, terrified of the possible result in my answer, "I believe that they  are the children of Anakin and Emmesere Skywalker which explains their power."

Darth Vader is silent for a long time and then without looking at Padme directly he says, "Senator Amidala, your best option is to cease any involvement with the rebel movements and fake your death.  The Emperor will not look for you if you are dead, find a secluded place to hide until you hear otherwise."
He turns back to face us and I notice the change in his demeanor, Anakin had returned.

"I will take your advice Lord Vader...but I'll be honest I was expecting you to kill me and the babies," Padme replies.

"I couldn't kill my family, and I couldn't kill the woman who has risked everything to protect my children and my wife."

"It's okay Padme, it really is my husband this time his eyes are blue."

"So they are," she says smiling.

"You'll need to flee as soon as you can and thanks for everything," I tell her.

We hug goodbye and then she leaves us alone with the twins.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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