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Emmesere's POV

**The Clone Wars**

Anakin and I part ways to begin packing but not before he says, "Emmesere, I'm sorry about last night."

"Anakin, I am fine now I promise. I know you love flying."

"I shouldn't have made you vomit though. I felt awful."

"Ani, it's alright. I forgive you." I whisper making the mistake of allowing my childhood feelings for him to take over, and I cup his cheek.

As soon as he places his hand over mine and holds it there I pull away hurriedly leaving him in shock, and leaving myself in a frenzy. Master Yoda warned me consistently about why attachment was forbidden among the Jedi, I never paid much attention to him. 

"Emmesere, I was wondering where you were..." Padme begins and I jump when I step into my room.

"Goodness! M'Lady, you startled me!"

"Oh, I do apologize. But I insist that you call me Padme."

"Of course. Did you need something Padme?" I ask finding my suitcase already out.

"Well, since Chancellor Palpatine, told me you and Anakin would be guarding me and we would be traveling to Naboo as refugee's, I thought you might like to have some dresses to wear so you can fit in while in Naboo." 

"Thank you, Padme, but I could never accept them! I am afraid I wouldn't be at my best in a dress."

"I insist because in order to protect me you may want to blend in, and besides I know you like Anakin. Don't you..."

I cut her off and say, "Forgive me, Padme, but how did you know?"

"I knew from the moment I met you both on Tattoie. I could see by the way you described him, and I might say looked at him, but now that you both are nineteen it's obvious even more. I noticed right away how much you liked him when you first saw him again last night."

"Oh, I never realized...that...that...I was so obvious about my feelings...for him." I say softly.

"Your secret is safe with me I promise," she replies.

"Thanks. What were you saying before I cut you off?"

"Well, I was going to say. Don't you want to impress Anakin and see his reaction to you in a dress?"

"I...never thought about it much. But now that you mention it yes, and thank you so much!"

"Of course, here are four. They are yours to keep."

"Can I hug you?" I ask unsure if it was forbidden.

Padme embraces me and then exits.

I step into the bathroom and change into the green and gold gown, it's so feminine and flowy I don't know what to think as I look into the mirror. I don't see a Jedi Padawan to Master Yoda, I see a Princess looking back at me. 

I hear a knock on the bathroom and Anakin's voice, "Emmesere, are you in there?"

I open the door to see my best friend looking at me up and down.

"Anakin, what is it?" 


"Anakin, you know I hate awkward silences between us please tell me what it is!"

"It's nothing...the dress..." he mumbles stumbling over his words.

"Please Anakin, tell me. You're making me nervous." I say packing my other dresses and Jedi robes.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable Emmesere. You seemed upset when I made advances before...and I didn't want to bring up...our history as slaves."

"Oh, Ani, that's so sweet of you to think of me in that way. To make sure I don't feel uncomfortable because of..."

"Don't speak of our old Master Emme. We're gone from his grasp, we are free now."

"Yes, I know so please don't hide what you want to say."

"It might shock you."

"Just tell me already Anakin Skywalker!" I say with a laugh and use the force to zip my suitcase.

"The dress...you...look...." he trails off and I sigh rolling my eyes.

"What about the dress? Does it look bad? I knew I shouldn't have worn it because I haven't worn a dress in a long time, at least not with a full chest..."

Suddenly Anakin comes closer to me and puts his hands on my cheeks saying, "You look...beautiful."

I find my insides turning to mush as he had finally said what he wanted to say, I blush and say, "What...did you just say?"

"Oh, you heard me Emmesere. You heard me," he replies with a smirk.

I roll my eyes and say, "Did you finish packing?"

"My suitcase is in the corner calm down." 

"Good then let's go before our Master's sends out a search party for us."

Anakin's master was the one to greet us but Master Yoda appears as well to my surprise, Master Yoda speaks, "Come speak to me Emmesere, some warnings I must give."

I nod and say, "Yes, Master."

I walk over to sit next to him on the bus, he then begins to speak, "Counting on you and Skywalker, the galaxy is. Protect Senator Amidalla you will and must. Remember forbidden is attachment no matter your history with Skywalker. Lose sight of the mission you mustn't!"

"I understand Master Yoda," I reply.

The air traffic seemed to go by quickly and before we all know it we have arrived at our stop at the station,  our Master's wish us good luck with the force and we part ways.


"I don't think I will be needing you both right now, if one of you would like to rest you may," Padme says surprising Anakin and I.

"You go Emmesere, I think you should take the rest period more than me."

"Anakin, I know you don't sleep well. I could feel how restless you were last night it's easy for me to read you."

"Please take it Emmesere, I don't care..."

"Anakin, while Emmesere and I appreciate your gentlemanliness we both think it's best you sleep. If it's true what she has said."

"Alright, I will," he says leaving us to rest.

R2 the little robot brought Padme and me some food while Anakin slept as we are in lightspeed mode. We sit in silence and I find myself gazing at Anakin asleep, even in his sleep he was perfect and handsome.

I finish my food and say, "Padme, if you'll excuse me I think I might..."

"I don't mind I can tell you're watching him. But Emmesere, be careful I don't want you to get into trouble."

I nod and lay down next to Anakin not sure if he'd notice my presence. When he turns his body toward me I gaze at his sleeping face and try to restrain myself from reaching out to touch his face. I almost hit my head on the top of the bunk bed when he grabs me and says, "Emme, no, not her Watto! I did it punish me, Master!"

I feel too frozen in time for a moment but shake him awake, "Ani, wake up! We aren't slaves anymore we're Jedi."

"I'm sorry I scared you but that life haunts me at night sometimes even though it's been so long ago," he whispers still holding me close.

"I don't mind I know what you mean though. It still haunts me too." 

"Did you save some food for me?" he asks.

"Of course we did." 

Anakin and I sit down as he eats and talk to Padme until we arrive in Naboo.

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