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Emmesere's POV

**The Clone Wars**

"You need to ask her Anakin, we can't just leave her unprotected while we go see your mom!"  

"I know that Emmesere, and I was thinking that Padme could come with us for us to protect her better."

"Good then ask her," I say hitting him on the arm.

Anakin comes back out to say that the Senator had okayed our visit but she would be going as well. 

We pack up everything we had brought with us and I change into my Padawan robes finding my best friend soon after, the three of us arrive on the ship and I sit in the chair next to Anakin.

Padme sits in the chair at the back I gaze at Anakin as he begins to look at the control board, I am so focused on his strong jaw and his pink full lips I don't hear him speaking to me. That is until he knocks me out of my chair with the force.

"You're such a jerk Anakin Skywalker!" I shout getting up.

"Then don't look at me like you want to kiss me again and do more while I am trying to fly this Starship," he replies helping me back into my seat.

I turn behind me towards Padme and say, "I strongly caution that you remain in your seat during the trip Padme, or you could die."

"Why?" she asks me with a worried expression on her face.

"Anakin, the psycho sky pilot here might get us killed while he flies the ship."

"Hey, I heard that Emmesere!" he says glaring at me.

"Good, you were supposed to."

"You know M'Lady, I don't fly that bad," he says to Padme.

"Oh, really then why did you fly upside and make me vomit then in Coruscant?"

"We were chasing an assaian!"

"I don't care I still almost died and puked my guts out."

Padme calls out, "The ship won't fly itself either you stop fighting or I won't let you continue to see your mom!"

Anakin and I shape up quickly at her words. 

With that Anakin takes off at high speed and I almost fall out of my chair, "Dammit, Anakin Skywalker!" I shout.

I could tell he had done it on purpose by his smirk at me and his laughter. Once we make our into a regular speed towards Tattoie he locks it into autopilot and programs it for Tattoie. We both relax in our chairs and lean back suddenly finding our fingers tangling together as our hands dangle next to each other.

"I can't wait to see my mom. But I don't know if I can face Watto after everything..." Anakin trails off and I knew why.

"I know what you mean Anakin, and it worries me too. But we have to remember not to be afraid because we are stronger and braver in our senses now with the force. And we have lightsabers to protect us."

"I am more worried that he will be upset about seeing you than me."

"He always did treat you better...well sometimes," I say recalling some painful memories.

"I will protect you and Padme if I have to." 

"I know you will," I reply.

Anakin gets the ship back into pilot mode and he safely lands us on the sandy ground of Tattoie's air base spot. 

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