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Emmesere's POV

**The Clone Wars**

Some winged creatures step in front of us with Jango Fett the bounty hunter who says, "Don't move Jedi!" 

We are all three put into carts and are apparently waiting for execution at least from what I could pick up from Jango Fett. Anakin and I had chains on us keeping our hands behind our backs.

"I feel like a slave again Anakin," I whisper looking into his crystal blue eyes.

"Me too," he whispers resting his forehead against mine.

I was scared to die I never thought I would have to die so soon and I whisper, "Ani, I don't want to die. I want to do so much with my life!"

"Don't be afraid I won't allow any harm to come to you. I will come up with a plan."

"I doubt..."

"Emmesere, I want to ask you something. It's important that I do in case we die."

"Anakin, don't talk like that not when you just told me not to talk like that!"

"Please just listen."

I nod and say, "I love you and I want to tell you now in case...you know..."

"I love you too Emmesere. Which is why I want to know if you will marry me."

"Of course, I'll marry you and I don't care what it takes I will keep it a secret!" 

"Good, then we have something to keep us alive out there!"

Anakin and I kiss on the way out to the arena and it was as if it might be our last so we savored it until we have to pull away. 

They bring us out and chain us up high I take a glance at Anakin again in case we were going to not be able to save ourselves. He's busy talking to Obi-Wan.

"I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten my message," he says to Anakin.

"We transmitted it as soon as we got Master. But we decided to come and rescue you." Anakin replies.

"Good job," Obi-Wan says sarcastically.

I laugh and then look over at him again and he's looking at me too.

"Are you ready Emmesere?" he asks.

"For..." I am cut off by someone else speaking.

"The felons before you have been convicted of espionage against the Sovereign System of Geonosis. Their sentence of death is to be carried out in this arena!" 

The crowd cheered and all the while I keep my gaze on Anakin until four doors opened. Four creatures appear, and I say, "Now what's the plan Skywalker? I don't have one."

He gives me a weird look turning to Obi-Wan and they start talking, Padme frees herself and I and we climb up the poles with our chains.

I hear Obi-Wan say, "You take the one on the left. And I'll take the one on the right."

"What about Emmesere and Padme?" Anakin asks.

"Looks like they have things under control," Obi-Wan replies.

After saving me and everyone else and being in the back of a Nexcu nothing could possibly be as bad as crazy as this until we are surrounded by droids. 

"Great now what are we going to do?" Obi-Wan whines.

"I don't know Master," Anakin replies.

I use the force to make some droids explode and Obi-Wan says, "Anakin, why couldn't you learn to do that?"

Feeling anger and frustration from my now fiance I say, "I don't mean to be rude Master Obi-Wan, but perhaps instead of reminding Anakin of all things he can't do you should praise him more for things he can do. And realize that we are all different in our force capabilities, he might be the chosen one but don't put so much pressure on him for it!"

"I will keep that in mind thank you Emmesere," Obi-Wan replies.

Suddenly Mace Windu and other Jedi arrive to help as well as Master Yoda with some backup soldier clones.

Once the fighting is done Anakin takes my hand and helps me onto the ship. 

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