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Emmesere's POV

**The Clone Wars**

"I have a room upstairs in my beach house for you two to share tonight. I will stay downstairs tonight with the droids."

"Thanks so much, Padme, for keeping our secret and being present at our wedding," I say.

"And thanks for the room." Anakin finishes.

"You two will always have a home here if you need one. And you are welcome." Padme answers smiling.

Anakin and I go upstairs to the room with the door open and find a beautiful room.

"Ani, I am going to be a few moments in the bathroom to freshen up."

"Don't make me wait any longer than I already have Emmesere," he whispers softly in my ear.

"I won't."

I take a few moments to undo my hair from the braided bun and remove my wedding garments and shoes. I then walk out to find Anakin sitting on the bed waiting for me still dressed.

I walk up to him and his face lights up when he sees me, "Emmesere, you look so beautiful!"

I could feel his intense emotions of lust, longing, happiness, love, and passion through the force and his emotions were stronger than ever.

"Anakin, you must calm yourself! Your emotions are intense." I say starting to remove his Jedi clothes.

"I am sorry Emmesere, I just have held this in for so long for you that now that I can feel them for you...they just come out in strong waves through the force."

I laugh and say, "So I can feel. Now take off your boots."

Once his boots are off he twirls me around and carries me to the bed.

"Tell me what you want me to do Darling."

"Whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt."

"Alright, I will be gentle like I am with everything about you."

My husband kisses my neck, down to my belly button. Then kisses my lips with passion tangling his hands in my hair.

"Ani, I love you," I say as we let go.

"I love you too Emme. Do I have permission to board your ship?"

I burst out laughing and then say, "Permission granted Captain Skywalker. But fly slow and not fast I am not a speeder ship."

Anakin and I laugh and then he says, "Take a deep breath for me Darling Emmesere Skywalker."

I take a deep breath and try to relax some more for him as he goes in. As he rests I trace the whipping scars on his back with my fingers.

Suddenly I cry out in pain and wrap my arms around my husband's neck and cry, to my surprise, Anakin cries too.

"What's happening Ani?" I ask as intense jolts of electricity shock through my body.

"I think the force in us, our connection with it is combining. Like bonding us Darling Emmesere."

"Is that why it feels electric and so painful?" I ask.

"I think so but for me, it's pleasurable pain I'd take this any day or night over getting whipped or cut by a lightsaber."

Though painful I feel so much passion and love for my husband at that time, I whimper as Anakin cries out in pain and I stroke his hair and run my fingers through his braid. 

I could feel my pain and Anakin's subside and all that was left in its place is the sudden feeling of bliss, passion, lust, and so much love.

Our lovemaking goes on until midnight and I say, "Goodnight Skywalker."

"Goodnight Mrs, Skywalker. I love you."

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