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Emmesere POV
**Revenge Of The Sith**

Anakin and I are in his room with the balcony because I didn't feel like if I was married to him I should have to have a separate room.
I let my hair down and before I can protest Anakin brushes my hair for me, "You're so beautiful."

"And you're very handsome."

"I love your hair when it's down it's like touching silk."

"Is my hair the only thing you love about me?" I flirt back.

"No, there are other things like your cleverness, kindness, and bravery."

"You're smiling so much now and it makes me happy knowing that you are truly happy."

"I love you." He says putting my brush down.

"I love you too."

"Ani, I think we should pick some names for our baby," I say resting my forehead against his.

"I agree you pick the girl name and I will..."

"Actually, I had a list of names to choose from."


"This is the list and I want you to pick the first names one for each gender. Then we can pick the middle names together."

Anakin scans the list I had given him on the paper and finally says, "I like Luke and Leia Skywalker."

"I do too."

"What about middle names?"

"Luke Anakin Skywalker," I say.

"Leia Padme?" Anakin suggests.

"How about Leia Padme Shmi Skywalker?"

"I love it! I love both names I can't wait to meet our baby regardless of the gender!" Anakin says twirling me around.

We kiss passionately for a long time our hands getting tangled in each other's hair until we pull away for air. 

"I love you so much Anakin Skywalker," I whisper into his neck as we get into bed together.

"I love you more than all of the stars in the galaxy and the two suns on Tatooine Emmesere Skywalker."

As we sleep I have a horrible dream:

"Anakin, you're breaking my heart! You're going down a path I can't follow!"

 A man was choking me he had dark menacing yellow eyes and wore all black. I grab at my belly with both hands as I feel my water break. I use the force to bring up a bit of lava for the man who was choking me.  I could hear the screaming from the man it sounded and felt like every bone, and piece of skin was being ripped off of my body. The last thing I could do was use the rest of my strength to take the lava from him with the force and send it back to where it came from. Before I pass out. 

I wake up at the same time as Anakin both of us sweating and breathing heavily. I could sense his fear, pain, and anxiety with our connection through the force. We gaze at each other catching our breath before I say, "Anakin, I had a dream it was terrible! A Sith lord was trying to kill me and for some reason, I said you were breaking my heart by following a bad path."

Anakin's eyes grow wide and he gets up from our bed and helps me up saying, "It's like the one in Naboo but more vivid? I had one too and you were calling for me to help you. You were dying in childbirth."

"Yes, like the one in Naboo. Oh, Ani, I'm scared of what's to come! I don't know what we should do and I..."

"Shhh...come here Darling Emmesere," he says pulling me in for a hug.

"Anakin..." he cuts me off again.

"I won't let the dreams come true! I am going to protect you!"

"I love you Ani, but someday there will be a time when you can't protect me I feel it."

"Don't say that. You're just feeling so much from our dreams. I love you too and I won't lose you!"

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