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Emmesere POV

**Revenge Of The Sith**

"Emmesere, the chancellor has asked me to tell you that he requests your presence. Alone." Obi-Wan says.
"Why wouldn't he ask to hold a meeting with the council if he wants to see me? Something doesn't seem right in the force."

"I don't know he did the same thing to Anakin and Anakin said the exact same thing. The difference between you and Anakin is that you are easier to reason with."
"You could say that again," I say with a laugh.

"My point being...be careful around him Emmesere, especially since you have complications. He is suspected of treason but the council has no proof of anything yet."

"I will I promise," I answer and make my way to the chancellor's office.

When I arrive into his office he has back turned to me looking out the window. Without seeing my face he says, "Emmesere Skywalker, it is a true pleasure to be in your presence. I can feel the force in you and it's the most power I have ever sensed in a single Jedi before."
Feeling uneasy I say coldly, "Excuse me?"

He turns around and faces me saying, "Don't seem so surprised that I know your secret Emmesere. Your husband has told me all about you over the years and the present time."

"Anakin would never betray me by speaking to you about me!" I snap angrily.
"He did. He speaks highly of you to me."

"I've told him to avoid you for years but he doesn't listen!"
"Emmesere, please sit down. I know you don't trust me but perhaps I can help you."
I accept the chair he offers me even though I want to run from him.

"How exactly do you think you can help me? And who says I want to accept your help? I know something is odd about you but I can't figure it out yet!"

"Anakin told me you would put up a good fight but I only want to help you. I can give you the answers about your dreams, and why it's so dark in nature."

"I think I would rather not know the truth," I say softly holding the necklace from Anakin that rested on my hidden belly.

"What if I told you I could save Anakin and you from harm? Would you allow me to explain?"

"If it can give me the power to see what is going to happen in the future and why I am yelling at Anakin."

"Tell me, dear Emmesere, what does your dream entail?"

"Anakin told you about our dreams. So why should I repeat mine to you?"

"I can give you answers Emmesere, I can save you from death and your child as well."

"Who's the Sith Lord attacking me? Why is my husband there?"

"Because a Sith Lord kidnaps him."

"I don't believe you."

"I can give you the power to save Anakin from the Sith Lord more power than you can ever imagine."

"How are you going to do that?"

"I could reveal my true nature to you but I think you already know who I am."

"I think you are evil yes. I know that you are trying..."

"I am a Sith Lord. I can give you so much power, I have an apprentice in the makings, and you and he could rule the galaxy. The child you carry Emmesere, could be just as powerful, as its mother."

"I knew it! You are exactly as I thought evil and sick! I will never join you and your sick-minded apprentice whoever he may be."

"You have immense power in the force and could have more if you want it. You can even run the galaxy and have the power to keep Anakin from harm, you could heal all his pain."

"I don't want it! I want to live a life of peace and happiness with Anakin and our child."

"Do you want to know the truth about the Sith Lord in your dream? It might hurt you to hear it but you have the right to know the truth."

"NO! You are a sick twisted monster!" I snap leaving his office with intense emotions.

I go into Senator Amidala's office and find her gone so I sit down and cry. I was so scared and angry I couldn't feel the calmness behind me until I heard the soothing voice I needed to hear.

"Darling Emmesere, I felt your fear tell me what's wrong."

I lean into my husband as he helps me up and holds me against his chest, I cry as he comforts me. Finally saying, "I spoke to the Chancellor today and he was nothing like he is with you. He tried to manipulate me Anakin, and was obsessed with how powerful I am in the force."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there I asked him but he wouldn't let me he wanted to speak to you alone."

"It's okay," I say tangling my fingers in his hair.

"I love you, Emme."

"I love you too Ani."

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