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Emmesere POV

**Two weeks later**

I open my eyes and try to get up but I can't my legs are broken and so are my arms. Realizing I was unable to get up I screamed, "Anakin! Help me, Ani!" 

Doctors come running and a nurse says, "Miss Emmesere, who's Anakin?"

"How do you know my name?" I ask dumbfounded they knew my real name.

"Lord Vader told us and demanded we keep it secret."

"Please, where's Ani?" I ask again.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken there is no one on the Death Star named Anakin or Ani." the nurse replies gently helping me with drinking some water.

"Anakin Skywalker is my husband! Where is he?!" I scream.

I then unintentionally call for Anakin in my head not knowing if Vader was in charge or if Anakin was. I continue to scream his name until my voice is hoarse and they've sedated me. 


Darth Vader/Anakin POV

Just like I did every day I go into the hospital room where she was being kept and visit her. 

"How is she?"

"Actually she was awake screaming for someone named Anakin after she woke up. Saying someone named Anakin Skywalker was her husband."

"GET OUT!" I scream and every single one of them leaves.

I then hear her speak, "Anakin, where are you?"

I could feel a brief fight between Darth Vader and Anakin but Anakin won and I whisper back, "Here Darling Emmesere. I'm here not Darth Vader just Ani." 

I place my hands on her legs and heal them then her arms, carrying her out of the hospital and into her room. I use the force to take off her bandages and dress her, I stop when I see fiery red hair on her private area. This was my wife, my Emmesere Skywalker!

I then heal her head just in case and to my surprise I accidentally take the hair dye out as well, and there before my currently blue eyes is the redheaded woman I knew.

The moment I see her I could feel Vader's rage and pain from being lied to, I knew I had to leave for her own safety and come back when I wouldn't hurt her again. I find a random pen and paper lying on her bedside table and write, 

I am leaving for a while so I don't hurt you anymore and can have some time to think about everything you've said. Don't know when I'll be back.


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