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Emmesere POV

**Revenge Of The Sith**

Quick A/N: I want to let everyone know that Leia will not be a Princess and she has red hair not brown. Anyway on with the story! :) :)

I wake up in a hospital room with blinding bright lights and feel sharp pains in my stomach, I cry out in pain and shout, "Ani, help me!"

"He's not here Emmesere," someone says. 

I cry out again and then begin to scream his name more, "Anakin! Please make it stop!"

I was barely conscious as I hear a doctor say gently, "You can start pushing Miss Emmesere."

I take a deep breath and push hard trying desperately to remain strong but I suddenly lose the power to keep going, and reach out for my husband's hand, "Ani, make it stop!" 

He takes my hand and holds it squeezing it which gives me the strength I needed to keep pushing, I hear a loud cry and see a small baby boy. But before the pain is over the doctor says, "Miss Emmesere, it appears there is a second baby. Did you not know you were carrying twins?"

"No," I answer.

"As soon as you feel rested enough and able to push again please try."  

I take some time to breathe in and out trying to find the strength to keep pushing, finally I find the ability to do so and give some more painful pushes with screaming. I am rewarded with some new cries joining my own and a baby girl arrives.

I feel more conscious again and say puzzled, "Obi-Wan, I...I...thought you were Anakin. Where is my husband? M...Master Yoda, I...I'm sorry for letting you down and breaking the Jedi Code!" I ramble.

"Obi-Wan, tell her we must the truth. But let us wait until she is strong enough to face it."

"I agree."

"Can I see my babies?" I ask frantically still worried for Anakin.

"Yes, here is the boy, and his sister is on her way out soon from her bath."

The doctor hands me my son and he looks up at me with Anakin's crystal blue eyes, he had some tufts of blonde hair on his small head as well. I smile down at him and say, "I'm so happy to finally meet you, Luke, I love you."

"He looks so much like Anakin," Obi-Wan says smiling.

"Would you like to see him?" I ask.

"Yes, I would."

"Hold on! Here comes Leia!" I say excitedly.

The doctor places Leia in my arms and I look down to see both of Anakin's children, I smile at them both. Leia had blue-green eyes with red hair and I couldn't let her go. Instead, I hand Luke to Obi-Wan and hold Leia in my arms stroking her little redhead.

I couldn't wait for Anakin to meet his children.

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