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Emmesere POV

In the morning I wake up from the best night's sleep I'd ever had since Darth Vader ruined my life, as I look over I see a handsome peaceful face next to me. I wanted to reach out and touch him, but I didn't know if my husband was still here, or if Darth Vader was in charge now during the hangover.

I am about to leave when his eyes open slowly, I notice the blue right away and say, "Morning Anakin, I want you to know that I haven't slept this well since...you..."

"Since I turned to the dark side." he finishes.


"I love you Emmesere, so much. And I am so sorry for breaking your heart that badly, I broke my own heart too."

"You know sometimes when you couldn't sleep I felt it from my home planet. I even felt it on the Death Star, it was either dreams or I couldn't sleep."

"You could feel me from another planet? Can you feel Darth Vader too?"

"No, only you Anakin. And yes everything I feel from you is stronger now that we are married."

"I can still feel things from you if I can tap into my Jedi mindset, but sometimes I don't know if I am still a Jedi. Because sometimes I feel like..."

"Anakin, you can tell me," I say kissing his forehead.

"No, because I don't want you to know how much pain I endured to become Darth Vader."

"What if I told you I know about my memorial in your closet? Would that change anything?"

"How did you find it?" he asks softly.

"By accident. And when I touched it I passed out and saw everything I know what Sidious did to you. I know he tortured you with force lightning, I know he starved you, beat you, fed you lies about me and Obi-Wan, he even choked you for protecting my name, and the worst part was seeing and feeling all the pain and suffering you went through to become Darth Vader."

He bursts into tears and cries into my chest, through tears he says, "I fought for so long against becoming Vader for months because I thought I could feel you missing me. I even felt pain from you but I didn't know if it was in my head."

"It was real Ani, I promise."

"You know I fought for weeks letting him do whatever he wanted to me until the hunger, pain, and need for water took over, I gave up on fighting Vader's control. I let him take over and I..."

"I forgive you," I whisper kissing his lips.

"I was a monster cold and unfeeling until you came to the Death Star. I truly had no..."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Why did Darth Vader tell me he didn't like women?"

"Because as you saw in your vision of the past, my Master tortured me into hating you. Thinking you were dead. So each time Vader saw a woman he was fighting me, who was longing for his wife who I thought was killed." 

"Oh, Anakin, you've suffered so much," I say resting my head on his chest.

"This is sort of random but I was wondering if you'd come to Naboo with me alone?"

"Why Naboo?" I ask suddenly feeling scared.

"Because my Master has asked me to do some business there. Is there a problem?"

"Well, I...it's my home planet and I'm...not sure I could go there with you if you are Darth Vader."

"What if I told you I could handle myself better now because you've reminded me of who I truly am? Does that help?"

"I mean a little bit but there's something I can't and won't tell you. Because when you become Vader again you'll remember it."

Suddenly I sensed Anakin shifting back to Darth Vader and I panic grabbing his face to kiss him, he relaxes allowing me to kiss him.

"I'm sorry. But please don't keep secrets from me Emmesere, not ever. I can't handle being lied to anymore."

I was torn between protecting my children, I mean our children from their father and telling him that they are full-blooded Jedi and very powerful in the force. But the fear of Darth Vader killing them or turning them agaisnt me was my worst fear. That Darth Sideous would discover them and manipulate them like he did to Anakin, and had tried and failed to do to me.

"Oh, Ani, there's so much I want to tell you but..."

"I can sense your fear and anxiety it's strong in you right now. Please tell me what's bothering you."

"Anakin, I can't! It's too dangerous because I don't trust Darth Vader. I trust you Anakin but I am so scared to lose you again like I did once before."

"Darling Emmesere, don't keep it from me whatever it is. I want us to not have any secrets again."

I could feel his sadness and pain that I wouldn't share my secret with him, as  I gaze into his crystal blue eyes I crack and tell him.

"Anakin, do you remember when I was pregnant and you said the force in me was so strong you could feel it? That between the force I had and that of our twins was raging together and powerful."

"Yeah, what about it?" he asks.

"They're full-blooded Jedi and I fear every day that the Emperor will feel them in the force. Anakin, together when we created them on our honeymoon night we strengthed our powers in the force together so by doing that we made them valuable assets to the rebellion. They are your children and powerful like you."

"You have to let me meet them! To protect them like I should have in the beginning!" 

"I trust you but I don't trust Darth Vader, he won't..."

"Even as Darth Vader I could never physically harm you ever again because I can't lose you. I couldn't harm the twins because my family is my world."

"Do you promise Anakin Skywalker? That you won't be a psychopath around them?" 

He laughs and braids some hair for me in little braids throughout my hair, "I promise. Can you tell me their names please?"

"Our son's name is Luke and he looks just like you. We have a daughter named Leia she has red hair and blue-green eyes. She's very stubborn like her father."

"I can't wait to meet them!" he says excitedly.

I had either made the best decision of my life or the worst. I was going to find out soon.

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