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**Emmesere POV**

The next morning I get up and get dressed in my new all-black attire and fix my hair in a bun. I couldn't risk Darth Vader discovering my identity by using braids in my hair. I put in my purple contacts and head to Vader's office. He hadn't arrived yet when I look through the door so I use the time I have to peek around his desk for any sign of what he might be up to.

Unable to feel his presence as I had once been able to do with Anakin I jump when Darth Vader is so close to me I could feel his breath on my neck. His scent of sandalwood intoxicated me, and I remember how I had loved the smell of it on Anakin. But this was not my husband, this was a monster, inhabiting my husband's perfect body. 

When I turn around to face him I stumble back in fright when he shouts in my face, "Just what did you think you were doing Shakajem?! My desk is off-limits at all times!"

His eyes were menacing and filled with hate, I couldn't think of anything with his cruel stare. 


Darth Vader helps me up roughly before coldly saying, "Be glad I have more pressing things to deal with! Next, time I will kill you if you defy me again."

He then sets me roughly in my chair with the force, and I feel myself becoming bold, "You have no right to speak to me in such a way, or to yank me around with the force and hold me like some animal!"

I instantly regret my words as Vader stomps over to me his eyes blazing and suddenly before I know what's happened he throws me against the wall. I knew I could fight back with the force but I was too scared to, I knew I could take out my contacts but I couldn't I was shaking.

"You're bold speaking that way to me Shakajem, I must say I wasn't expecting a mouthy nosy secretary to show up on the doorstep. You still remind me of someone and ever since you've been here I have been getting the feeling that a very powerful Jedi is in my midst." 

"I...are...you... planning to kill me?" I stammer.

"Not yet because..." he is cut off by a harsh knock.

The door opens abruptly and I see the Emperor, he was pissed I could feel it. For a tiny second, I feel Anakin and his suffering and fear, but then he's gone replaced by Darth Vader. He bows and says, "Master, forgive me I didn't mean to keep you waiting. My new secretary has proved to be a challenge for me, she is nosy and far too bold!"

"Then deal with her when you get back Lord Vader, I have more pressing matters to discuss with you!"

As they turn away to exit Darth Vader gives me a cold hard evil glare, and my heart breaks as the door shuts. I start to cry I hadn't cried in a long time over the loss of my husband and best friend, but I am crying now. 

I close my eyes as my contacts burn and a happy memory now turned painful resurfaces against my will. I had tried to block out Anakin for the twin's sake but now I remembered him.

 Anakin, who was just wearing his Jedi robes, but I didn't care. In that moment all I could do was smile.

"Emmesere, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known especially today!" he tells me when I walk up to him.

"Anakin, you are the most handsome and reckless man I have ever known!" I tell him taking his hands in mine.

The man Padme had found to marry us begins to speak saying, "Do you Emmesere Donndern take Anakin Skywalker to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Do you Anakin Skywalker take Emmesere Donndern to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Now I understand you have your own vows please begin." the man says.

"Anakin, nothing in the galaxies can compare to what we have. To the way, you protect me without any hesitation for your safety or health. I can never repay you for all the torture you went through as a child on my behalf when I deserved each and every beating, and I will be forever in your gratitude for being such a great friend. You are the only person to have ever gotten me to break the rules and I'll break all the rules just to be with you until I die!"

"Emmesere, you are my fire and my reason to live. You keep me going when I feel lost on missions I think of you and smile. You are my passion and my destiny. I promise to give you whatever I can despite our secret marriage, I will protect you and love you as much as I can. You will be my one and only in the galaxies. And I promise I will never give you a reason to doubt me. I will never betray you or hurt you. Because I love you."

"You may kiss the bride." the guy says.

Anakin holds my hands and brushes his thumbs over each hand as we kiss. I could feel his passion, happiness, and deep love for me in this moment.

The flashback ends and I slump to the floor.


Darth Vader POV

My master and I step into the conference room where we sit down at the table, the very first thing he says to me is, "Lord Vader, there is a strong presence in the force aboard the Death Star! I felt it the moment I set foot here, I expect you feel it too."

"I've noticed it but I don't know if I am imagining it. All the Jedi are dead, It couldn't possibly be that pathetic slave from Tattoie, I killed her!"

"Whoever it may be I expect you to find them and kill them. Now, as for why I've come here, I have come to inform you of your next moves in the rebels attacks."

I could feel the weak Anakin Skywalker making a surprise appearance in front of the Emperor, I could feel sadness and pain. A broken heart. I fight for control from him and manage to win but Darth Sideous is now glaring in my direction, he knew I had fought with Skywalker.

"I'm sorry Master, I..." he interrupts me and says,

"Silence! Do not let that fool Skywalker loose again in my presence or I will remind you of that pathetic wife of his he murdered along with their child!"

Darth Sidious then uses force lighting on me, It hurts just the same but I knew not to cry out because he'd continue until I passed out if I made a noise. 

He lets me up and finishes, "I have a mission for you Darth  Vader, if you can handle it. I need you to find the Jedi on the Death Star and kill them, then I need you to find out why that Senator Amidalla in Naboo is so quiet these days. Something must be keeping her attention other than the rebellion against the very Empire you helped me create. If you fail me I will make your punishment far worse than this!" 

I bow my head and say, "I will not fail you Master, not again."

As soon as I know that Darth Sidious is gone from the Death Star I go to my office and find my secretary dead, I had left her awake when I went with my Master. I fight as hard as I can until sweat soaks through my clothes.  Finally, Anakin wins and I place my hands on the dead woman.

As Anakin I felt a surge of electricity coming from her veins as I healed her from death, I knew that surge of power. It took me back to the time my wife and I had made love on our honeymoon exchanging the force through each other was the most pleasurable pain I had felt. 

Realization hits when she opens her eyes and sees me. Sadly, Vader takes over knocking her out and bringing her to her room.

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