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Emmesere's POV

**The Phantom Menace**

Ani and I were running the shop as usual while Watto was doing other things probably gambling or something shady.

"Ani, there's a girl and a weird creature coming to the door," I call over to him.

I watch him look up at me and smile, I walk over to sit on the counter with my best friend and feel something coming from his body. It's a sort of energy I had never encountered before and it hurt so much, it made my heart hurt as I felt how he felt for the girl.

"Are you an angel?!" Ani asks setting down his work.

I laugh a little and Ani gives me a look, making me realize he had been asking her a serious question. 

The girl seems uncomfortable and says, "What?"

"An angel! I heard the deep space pilots talk about them they're the most beautiful creatures on Earth. They live on moons of the Agon I think."

"You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?" she asks paying no attention to me.

Before Ani can answer I say, "We listen to all the traders and star pilots who come through the land." 

He smiles at me while continuing to work on whatever Watto had given him. Then he says, "I'm a pilot and someday I'm going to fly away from this place."

"You're a pilot?" she asks puzzled.

"Yeah, he's been one all his life. He's really good!" I say.

"How long have you two been here?" she asks.

"Since we were little. Three I think." I answer. 

Then Ani says, "My mom and I were sold to Gardella the Hut but she lost us betting on the pod races."

"My master Watto bought them." I finish.

"You guys are slaves?"

"We're not slaves we're people! And I'm Anakin! That's my best friend Emmesere."

"I'm sorry I don't fully understand this is a strange place to me."

We all turn and look at the weird creature playing around I giggle as he tries to put the contraptions away until finally, Ani says, " Hey, hit the nose!"

Then a man wearing a dress with long hair walks in saying, "We're leaving Jar Jar."

"I'm glad to have met you Anakin and Emmesere."

"We're glad to have met you too," we reply.

"You gotta help me clean up Ani, before Watto finds it all messy." 

"Okay, as long as I can finish up my project." he sighs hopping down. 

While we clean up we talk and I say, "If you ever left Tattoie would you take me with you?"

"I don't know it depends," he says.

"On what?" 

"If I have enough room in my ship or not. It's only really built for me but I could add a sidecar onto it just for you."

"Would you?"

"If I can find the parts for it. Sure!" 

I smile and hug him saying, "I hope it comes true someday."

"Me too. Then maybe we can be Jedi like in those stories you tell me about." Ani says smiling back.

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