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Emmesere's POV
The Clone Wars

Anakin looked as if he wanted to kiss me after we let go from our hug. Because he leans forward, as much as I want to give in I pull away and say, "No, Anakin, we can't it's against the rules."

We turn hearing Obi-Wan's footsteps, "I hope I am correct when I assume that you both practiced self-restraint."

"Don't worry I stopped Anakin from making a mistake between us."

"Very good Emmesere, I will count on you in the future," Obi-Wan says smiling.

My best friend glares at me and says, "Thanks a lot for making me sound immature!"

I roll my eyes and listen as Obi-Wan fills us in on Padme covering her cameras. 

"I understand why she did it because it's an invasion of privacy for her. But at the same time, I don't have someone who wants to kill me."

"Emmesere, that wasn't needed," Obi-Wan replies.

"Sorry, Master Kenobi." I say quietly.

"So I trust you two had enough time to catch up?" he asks.

"We did Master, although some more time would have been nice," Anakin replies smirking at me.

"Anakin, mind your feelings," Obi-Wan warns.

"How did you know?"

"Your feelings are so obvious Ani, any..." I trail off when we all sense something wrong in Padme's room.

As soon as the feelings come, we run down the hall with lightsabers ready we open the door to see creatures crawling onto her, I attack and kill one. While Anakin kills the other slithy thing.

"Are you alright M'Lady?" I ask her.

"I am thank you."

Suddenly we all turn when Obi-Wan jumps out the window shocking the three of us.

"Stay here Padme!" Anakin instructs her.

Anakin and I run to find a speeder, he stops to look at them all,  "Just pick one already!"

He picks a yellow one and we both jump in, he zooms off so fast I feel nauseated and he turns to me completely oblivious to my current state.

"Where is he?"

"I don't know! But all I know is that if you don't slow down I'm going to vomit Anakin!"


"Hey, look it's Obi-Wan," I say pointing down.

Anakin zooms down to pick up his Master who climbs in and I get in the middle. 

"What took you two so long?" he asks.

"Oh, you know Master, I couldn't find a speeder I really liked, one with the right speed capabilities, and an open cockpit. Not to mention a really cool color." Anakin answers sarcastically.

"You're talking like that didn't happen. You did do that and you know it!" I shoot back.

Suddenly a shot can be heard from above getting fired by a speeder Anakin then turns a full circle as the creep was in front of us by a bit. They take a turn downwards and being the reckless pilot that he could be, Anakin goes downwards and flips upside down.

I vomit over the side and Obi-Wan shouts, "Pull up, Anakin, pull up! And Emmesere nice projectile vomit it landed perfectly on some poor ship below us."

"Um, thanks? I think."

Anakin slows down for a little bit until he catches sight of the attacker again and speeds again, Obi-Wan bursts out, "You know I hate it when you do that."

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