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Emmesere POV

Today was the day I would be leaving for The Death Star.

I kiss and hold Luke and Leia until I am satisfied that I had given them enough love to remember me by, a heaviness fills my chest at the thought of leaving them. They had helped me so much and they were still too young to understand it, I remove my necklace from Anakin and place it above their crib.

I hadn't taken the necklace off unless I showered it was a part of me, the only reminder of my true identity, and now without it I felt hollow. I put my contacts in as Padme comes in, "Isania, do you have everything? Obi-Wan is flying you there and leaving as soon as you land."

"Yes, I have everything. Look after the twins for me until I can give them both parents."

"You know I will," she says escorting me to the ship carrying Luke and Leia with us.

I take them both once more and hug them close kissing them both on the head, hoping that the next time I could see them again with my husband and not a monster.

I hand my babies back to Padme and board the ship to the Death Star, as soon as I settle in Obi-Wan starts talking, "Remember everything we've practiced and don't stray from the fake persona you've created Emmesere, if you want to get to Anakin you have to make Darth Vader fall for you first."

I gag and say, "That thought sickens me when I think of all the atrocious things he's done."

"It sickens me too don't worry. But it's the only way."

When I reach my destination I am escorted in by a name named Tarkin who has a permanently pissed look on his face, "This will be your room while you are here. This is your com link. Lord Vader will call you when he's ready for you."

Admiral Tarkin leaves my bedroom and I am alone, thinking to myself: He calls himself Lord Vader? He must be full of himself now! Darth Vader is not Anakin he's different Emmesere.

I rehearse my story until I pass out from tiredness, a little while later when I hear a familiar voice, it's cold and uncaring nothing like Anakin.

"Come to my office new Secretary."

I take a deep breath and answer, "I will be there Lord Vader. What room might I come to?"

"I see my staff were incompetent as usual and did not show you were you to meet me! So I will come to your room and you can follow me to my office."

"Yes Sir," I reply with fear hammering in my chest.

I pace back and forth in my room trying to regain control of myself and my fake persona when my door opens and a cloaked figure, in all black, enters the room. I take a deep breath and the cloaked figure says, "Follow me."

I get somewhat close to Darth Vader before he turns his back to me, making his cloak whip around and hit me a little. The scents of whiskey and sandalwood hit me, reminding me of my dream.

He surprises me by saying, "You seem tense. And just a warning stay that way, women employees don't last long with me."

"Excuse me?" I ask disgusted.

"No, woman gets the pleasure of having me! And if they try anything improper more than twice they die!"

I swallow hard and try to ignore the uneasiness I now feel knowing my job will be much harder.

We get to his office and I find the black leather couch from my dream, it smelled of whiskey, tear salt, and sweat, like Anakin. The smell intoxicated me and made me want to lay on it and I almost do until I remember the comment Vader had made.

"So why do you hate women so much?"

"That's none of your business! Now, come over here and sit down so I can decide if you are worthy enough to work for me."

"Yes, Sir," I answer and come sit in front of Darth Vader.

He removes his hood and I could see his blazing dark yellow eyes with red-rimmed around them, I looked beyond them and saw that his once-tanned skin was pale and almost ghostly. I linger on his lips and watch the thin hard line forming, there was never even a hint that once could have ever suggested the handsome smirk he had once melted my heart with. 

But even with the evil sadistic gaze he was as handsome as ever, and I felt myself being drawn to him. 

I jump at the coldness and emotionless tone of Darth Vader, "I see you didn't take my warning about falling in love with me. I won't hesitate to kill you right now if you keep staring at me!"

"I...I..apologize, My Lord, I've heard so many things about you I'm just curious."

Almost like a bipolar person, he changes tune but still cold and uncaring present in his voice, "So according to your file I received it says your name is Isania Shakajem. I feel as though we've met before this. Do I know you?"

"I don't think we've met before this Sir," 

"Probably not. You...just...reminded me of someone I once knew." 

"Oh," I say softly. 

"Okay, you can have the job as my secretary. But let's be clear you stay on your side of the room and I stay on mine, which includes the couch and my personal things. Will that be a problem for you Isania Shakajem?"

"No, I understand." 

"Good. You can start tomorrow."

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