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Emmesere POV

I pace back and forth as Luke and Leia sit on the floor and play screaming and cooing at each other. I find myself smiling at how adorable they are as I try to imagine what it would be like to see Anakin again.

"Isania, we have news for you," Padme says knocking on my door.

I open the door for her and the only two adult Jedi I knew.

After shutting the door Obi-Wan says, "Our plan is for you to dye your hair brown, and have purple-eyed contacts. Your uniforms will be all black specially made by the royal seamstresses of Naboo, the Queen has allowed it as part of the rebellion against the Empire."

"What is my say in any of this?"

"You get to pick the job you take and your back story," Padme replies.

"But remember Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker are not the same. You need to be careful around Vader he will not hesitate to kill you if he sees you as a threat to the Empire. You must also be careful not to use the force no matter how tempted you feel, even if it is self-defense."

"So if Darth Vader tries to kill me I am supposed to let him?!" I snap.

"You will think of something to save yourself, there are other ways to use the force Emmesere. But try not to use it at all if possible" Obi-Wan finishes.

"I will try. And I have my story all worked out."

"Let's hear it," Padme says.

"My name is Isania Shakajem. My husband was killed by Jedi and I have two kids."
"That's good just don't convey too much about Luke and Leia, until you are for sure that it is safe to do so."

"But won't he feel the Force in me and know I am a Jedi and kill me?"

"Always a possibility that is Emmesere, but prepared you must be for the worst," Yoda says.

Luke and Leia roll their ball to me and I bring it up to me with the force then send it back over to them. They look amazed by this but lose interest in it quite and go back to playing.

I go to the Queen's personal hair stylist who dyes my hair brown and gives me purple contacts, I then had to pick up my wardrobe tomorrow because some of the garments were from the same room I'd found my wedding dress in.

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