•Dangerous part•Taeyong•

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Y/N will be helping her boyfriend choreograph Shalala, one of his new songs.

Y/N is choreographer who works on many NCT dances. And today, Taeyong, her boyfriend, asked her to help him.

Y/N P.O.V:
I was laying in bed, feeling bored after a lazy day. My phone started to ring, I answered it after seeing his name.
"Hey Babie," Taeyong says.
"Hi," I say. He asks softly, "Do you mind coming here to the practice room?"
I'm tired, but I'll go.
"Sure baby, of course, but why?" I ask as I stand up. "I want you to help me with my solo."
I couldn't refuse him because he was my boyfriend and this is also my job.
"Okay, baby, I'll be there in a half-hour." I say, grabbing a pair of clothes, "Thank you! I love you," he says, and I hang up, forgetting to say, I love you back.
As I was getting ready, I went into my car and started driving there.

When I got there, I walked to the room where Taeyong was supposed to be.
I opened the door, and Taeyong was on the ground. While the backup dancers were talking or practicing. When I saw him, I chuckled. "Why are you on the ground, baby?" I giggle and run up to him, and he pouts, "You didn't say I love you back!" "You're such a baby," I groaned. "I'm your baby." He says hugging me tightly. "Anyways, shall we begin?" he nods, hugging my waist giving me a kiss.
I said hi to the backup dancers, and we got started.

They were stuck on the chorus, so I needed to help, and after a while, all of us chose a fitting chorus. We began working on the second verse after the chorus. Taeyong also had to get down on the floor at one point, but he then had to quickly move to the left side and perform another dance move.
I watch him struggle to swiftly rise from the ground to a standing position. I get up and tell him to switch things up.
"Being on the ground and then quickly rising up to get on the left side is a little risky, baby."
I say as I embrace him, "Baby, I know, but it's fine, I got it." He says patting my head

I let him go and he continued practicing.
"Baby, that won't work! You know that's a little dangerous," I say, "Especially when you're on stage. I can't risk you getting hurt again!" I exclaim "Aw, I didn't realize how much you cared for me." He says in a baby voice "You're so annoying!" I yell, he pouts.
I notice the backing dancers looking at us in awe, as I turn to the side.
I duck behind Taeyong, feeling embarrassed. "Anyways baby, so maybe during that part you can just freestyle while the backup dancers go on the ground." I lay out the idea, and everyone nods.

They tried it, and it worked out flawlessly!
"See? Isn't it wonderful?" I applauded
As Taeyong looks at me pouting, I know he wanted to do that extra step, but I'm not letting him fall again on stage when ever he performs. I can't let him get hurt again.

After a while of more practice, we decided to stop for the day, as the backup dancers left me and Taeyong were alone in the room. "Thanks for helping me,and caring about me" he says, wrapping his arms around me.
"No problem, I love you," I say, kissing him.
"Ay, you said it back!" He smiles. Making me laugh.
"Wanna have dinner?"  I nod and we went off to dinner.

Hope you guys enjoyed!

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