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Yangyang has been your roommate for 5 months, you both share the same apartment and he is sometimes very childish and annoying.

He is one of the richest boys at the boarding school and doesn't miss any opportunity to bother you between classes.

Every single day, he tries to hug you.
Even though you reminded that you hated physical touch. He never listens.
Yangyang was in his room, playing with
the small basketball game he had received.

"Heeeeyyyy, wake up!!"
Yangyang yelled so loudly that it woke you up from your nap.

"I want to show you this cool game that my parents gave me."
Yangyang approached your bed.

"Look, it's a basketball game... Don't you want to play? It has 3D and everything."
Yangyang had a large grin on his young face.

"Shut up" you groan, throwing a pillow at him.

Yangyang immediately lost that huge grin on his face. He was not expecting that kind of answer. He made a sad face as he started to play by himself in his basketball game.

"I'm still sleeping."

Yangyang suddenly sat on the edge of your bed. "Noooo, you should get up; the sun is out... The day is beautiful. Come on, let's play!"

"Play with your other friends."

Yangyang scowled.
"What friends? The only one I want to play with is you."

"Leave me alone." Yangyang suddenly grabbed the covers of your bed and started playing with them.

"But you have to wake up now. We can have breakfast together."

"It's literally 9 a.m.; why are you awake so early?"

"I always wake up at 7 a.m.; it's not unusual."
Yangyang kept twisting the bed sheets around.

"Youre so weird," you throw another pillow.

"You didn't just throw a pillow at me, right?"
Yangyang was staring at you with the pillow in his hands.

You turn over and try to sleep again.

"Hmmm... I think I need to escalate things a little bit." There was a huge smile on his face as he started to throw pillows at your head, but not very gently this time.

After several pillows, your head started to hurt, and you had a small headache. Yangyang didn't stop; he just kept laughing and throwing more pillows at you.

The more pillows he threw at you, the more your headache worsened.
"Come on, it's fun, isn't it?"

His smile turned to a smirk as he grabbed
more pillows from the bed beside him.

You groan and sit up.
"Yes, I got you! I got you!"

Yang jumped on the bed and stopped throwing pillows.

He immediately grabbed you and started hugging you tightly.

The relief of finally waking you up seemed so exciting that he didn't want to let you go.
"I did it!"

"I'm awake now! Go away"

"No way, you better hug me back!"
Yangyang said while still grabbing you.


Yangyang did not expect that answer.
Yangyang continued hugging you while making a puppy face.

A few seconds later, Yangyang was visibly upset because you still wouldn't hug him back.
He looked directly at you with big, sad eyes, wanting you to hug him.

He pulls away from his hug and stands up.

The sadness and disappointment in Yangyang's eyes kept getting bigger and bigger.
"Come oooooon... Don't make me cry... Just a small hug."

"How old are you again?"

"I am 12..."
Yangyang sniffled, still wanting you to hug him. He even raised his hands, his face still sad.

"You're literally 19!"

Yangyang suddenly changed his mood from sad to happy. He laughed, then put his hands down.
"I was just acting; you really fell for it."
He chuckled.

"I hate you."

"Hate me? Haha... You better not say that too often because one day you might actually start to mean it."
Yangyang was still smiling while saying that.

You rub your eyes. "Did you make breakfast?"

"Of course, I made pancakes. I made a lot of them for you."
Yangyang had suddenly become a much more caring person.
"Come on, let's go to the kitchen."

"So, can I ask you a question?"
Yangyang's expression changed from a bright smile to a serious one.

"Yes, of course... What is it?"
You got curious and a little nervous when you saw his expression.

"Can I ask for a hug?"
Yangyang asked, staring into your eyes in a firm and serious way.

"Heck no"

Yangyang's serious face became sad again in an instant.
"You still don't want to hug me?"


Yangyang stared at you for a few seconds with a face of pure sadness and regret. Then I finally decided to speak.

"Okay, okay... You are mean, and you should not be mean to me, but I forgive you because I am a good person."
There was a mocking smirk on his face.

"You are so weird."

"You are weirder because you keep avoiding giving me a hug."
Yang tried to keep that mocking smirk on his face, but he couldn't keep it for much longer, and he began to laugh.

It's been a few days, and Yangyang is still trying to get me to hug him.

Every day for the past few days, the same story has repeated itself again and again. Yangyang would always wake you up or approach you just to ask for a hug, but you kept turning him down.

The tension inside the room became bigger and bigger the more days passed.


On a random afternoon, you were studying for your exams in your room when Yangyang suddenly walked in.
"Hello," he said while standing at the edge of your bed.

"What now?"

"This might be weird, but could I ask you a question?"
The boy stared at you, waiting for an answer.

You were very confused about his tone and the question, but you decided to answer.

"Are you going to ask for a hug?"

Yang laughed while nodding his head.
"Yes, I was actually going to."
The boy's voice was a little sad.


The boy looked at you with a sad and hurt face. He didn't know what to say, but after a few seconds of silence, he decided to say something.

"Can I ask you something else?"

You got curious again, hoping this would be the last time that he asked you a weird question or gave you a hug.
"Yes, sure. What is it?"

"Why don't you want to hug me?"
Yangyang was still smiling, trying to hide his sadness behind that little smirk.

"I just don't like hugs."

The boy laughed, clearly not believing your statement.
"Nobody hates hugs; everyone likes hugs. You must be joking."

"I answered your question. Now leave."

The boy was visibly upset now; he was so eager to get a hug from you that he couldn't take a no for an answer. But he just decided to leave you alone.


The next day. You came back from school and were surprised to hear crying inside the house.

You quickly entered Yangyang's room and saw him sitting on his bed, crying.
He was really crying this time; it wasn't like he wasn't actually sad.

The boy was genuinely sad.

You had never seen Yangyang cry before.
The boy was clearly having a crisis. He continued to cry silently while looking at the floor.

You sit beside him and pat his back. "What's going on?"

Yangyang instantly stopped crying and turned to look at you. His eyes were full of tears, and he had that vulnerable expression that you had never seen before.

"I got fired."

"Fired?! Wait why?!"

Yangyang was so sad; he was struggling to be able to speak clearly.
"I... I don't know... I didn't even get an explanation. They just told me everything was over."

You felt horrible; he loved his job.

"Im so sorry, Yangyang."

Yangyang kept crying silently.
"I don't know what I am going to do. I have nothing."

The boy was literally in pain. His voice was shaking with sadness.

You felt horrible and decided to hug him.

He finally got the hug he wanted.

Yangyang didn't expect that at all.

The boy immediately stopped crying and hugged you back. Your warm presence was exactly what he needed.

"Thank you..."
Yangyang muttered, with tears still running down his face, but in a softer manner now.

Suddenly, Yangyang stopped crying and started laughing.

He tricked you.

You were shocked that he was literally laughing after he had been crying for several minutes.

"You... you tricked me?"

"Hahaha... Haha, I was just acting this time for real, just so you would hug me."
A huge smile ran across the boy's face, and he was still laughing.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Yes! I was just playing around. You totally believed me."
Yangyang was still laughing, and he had this mocking smirk.

"That hug was one in a billion. No more hugs."

Yangyang stared at you while still laughing.
"Now you're joking, right?"
He really wanted you to hug him again.

You stood up, "Nope!" And ran away.

Yangyang jumped out of bed when you ran away and started running towards you.
"Come back!! I need more hugs!"

Yuta is next😍

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