•Injured bsf•Jaemin•

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You were sitting on the couch when you heard a hard knock at the door. It was late at night, plus there was thunder storm.

You get up and walk to the door, opening it.
To your surprise, you see your best friend, all bruised up and his nose bleeding. He had gotten into a fight.

You see Jaemin smiling at you as he walked into your house.

He sat on your couch and leaned back, taking a big huff. "Mind if I crash here tonight?" He looked at you, seemingly unfazed by his wounds.

"No, not at all," you say. "So what happened? Is everyone okay?" You asked worriedly, leaning closer to check the bruises on his face.

"Don't worry about it!" He said, avoiding eye contact. "I'll just stay here for the night. I don't want to talk about it."

"I'm still worried," you said, raising my voice a little as you got even more worried. "Who did this to you?!"

"It doesn't matter," he said in a dismissive tone. "Just mind your own business."
You were worried and were starting to get a bit pissed off with his rude attitude.

"I am minding my own business, but I can't when my best friend comes home bruised and won't tell me what happened!" you say angrily.

"Someone hurt you, and I have a right to worry!"

He looked away from you, avoiding eye contact. "Why are you even worried? It's not like I'm your boyfriend or anything."

"Jaemin, I'm worried because you're my best friend! It doesn't matter if you're my boyfriend or not. You're still important to me. Just tell me what happened."

He looked like he was going to say something, but changed his mind at the at the last minute.

"Nevermind. I'm fine now, so just leave it alone." You looked at him with a worried face, and I knew he wasn't being honest with me.

"I'm not just going to leave this alone. Someone hurt you. It's not fair if someone bullied you and got away with it. Please, just tell me." You were getting desperate, but he still wasn't giving me a straight answer.

He sighed. "Do you really want to know what happened? Do you really want to know all the details?" You nodded, and he began to explain.

"I was just walking back home when I crossed paths with a group of guys I'd seen before. They were all drunk, and one of the guys stepped in front of me. I could tell that he was looking for trouble, so I decided to walk away from him. But instead of letting me go, he grabbed my arm and dragged me over to his friends."

"What happened next?"

"I tried to get away, but the more I fought, the harder they dragged me. They kept asking me questions, but I didn't understand what they were saying. Then they started kicking me and punching me," he explained.

You were starting to feel angry, wanting to find those guys and shoot them.

"They kept kicking and punching me, even when I tried not to fight back. It was as if they were enjoying it. The rest of the guys stood around and watched, cheering the other guys on. By the end, my whole face was covered in bruises, and my nose was bleeding."

You looked at him with anger, but you were also concerned. "Was anyone else injured? Were those guys just crazy, or did they have any reason to do this to you?"

"They had no reason at all. They were just a bunch of drunken idiots looking for trouble. I didn't even do anything to provoke them. I just wanted to go home."

He sighs, "Look, Y/N, can we just stop talking about this?"

You nod feeling satisfied by his story time and you stand up. "Let's get you cleaned up."

"Thank you."

You watch him and see him walk over to the bathroom and begin to wash his face with cold water, trying to get rid of the blood.
The bruises were also visible on his arms and body. It was clear that he had been attacked quite violently.

"Jae! Come here."

He comes over to you and watches as you open a medical kit. You begin to treat his wounds, making sure to be careful not to hurt him more.

The bruises and cuts were deep, but with your help, he was feeling better.

You spend about an hour cleaning his bruises and treating his cuts while he talks about random things, trying to ignore the pain.

When you're finished, he looks much better than before. Some of the bruises are still visible, but most of them have been covered with bandages.

He smiles at you, then suddenly feels a bit weak. "Can I lie down for a bit?" He asks, slightly pale.

"Of course," you said as you led him to the couch and laid him down. "Just relax, and I'll get you a glass of water." You leave him for a minute and grab a glass of water. You come back and help him drink it slowly.

After you make sure he's feeling okay, you sit beside him. He looks at you and smiles sadly. "Thanks for taking care of me," he said softly.

"I always do dumbass; now let's watch a movie."

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