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It was another day at school, And once again, the class clown made you cry.

Ever since you moved schools, you barley made any friends.
You were just bullied mostly everyday.

You're at your locker, trying to hide your tears when you felt someone tap your shoulder.
You wiped your nose.
"Go away."
"Who upset you?"
You turned around, realizing the voice belonged to your enemy Jeno.

You stared up at him with tears still in your eyes.

"It's nothing," You softly said, "Forget it."
"Y/N what happened?" He asked with a worried expression.
"Jeno.. I said forget it" you said.

Your enemy did the complete opposite and turned around.

His eyes scanned the hallways.
When he saw the class clown, laughing with his own friends, pointing at you.

"Was it that clown?" He said pointing at him,
"Maybe.." you whisper but loud enough that Jeno heard.
"Stay here okay?" He says softly.

You watch him approached him.
Jeno grabbed his shirt from the back and threw him on the lockers like a rag doll.

"So you're the class clown?" He said, holding him against the lockers, "You're funny, right?"
The class clown was a bully himself, but completely changed when he was confront by someone his own size.
He began stuttering,
"Go on," Your enemy spat,
"You're fucking funny, right? Make me laugh."
The class clown stared at him with a pale face.

You stood there waiting for him to make a joke so you could run away.
It felt so good seeing the class clown stuttering , after what he did to you. It felt amazing.

The class clown still didn't say anything making Jeno smile, "Exactly."
He then pointed at you, without breaking eye contact.

"Make my girl cry again and see what I'll fucking do to you."
He let go of the class clown and walked away.

You saw him walk up to you, and you ran away.
"Wait Y/N!" You heard him behind you.
You completely ignored him and ran.

You decided to do to your favourite place, the schools rooftop.

You had math class, but you didn't care, you just wanted to be alone.
You felt like disappearing.

When suddenly you heard some thing behind you, you turned your head hoping it wasn't a teacher.

But instead it was Jeno himself.

"Y/N.." he says walking up to you, "leave me alone" you say.
He sits beside you, "why are you suddenly acting so soft and nice jeno? You know, you  hurt my feelings daily every single day"
"But I never made you cry that bad" he says.

He wasn't wrong there.
He would never make me cry, just mostly annoyed.

"What did he say?" Jeno asked,
"He just told everyone... a secret" you said.
"How did he find out?"
"I don't know.. but now a lot of people know" you said starting to tear up again.

"Y/N, i know we're enemies but... I like you too"
Jeno says looking at you.

Looks like he heard the secret too.

"It that why you called me, my girl..."


You sat there in silent.

"I'll protect you, I'll make sure no one ever touches you, I'll make everyone know you're mine" he listed all the things he would do.

"Will you make me feel.. special?"

"Of course"

"Then yes!" You smile and hug him making him hug you back smiling.

"I'll make you feel real special"

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