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Back from my writers block. Help:( lets ignore the errors if theres any
Anyways any requests?!!
You had just managed to evade the Suh family's kingdom, one of the most formidable hero families in the city.

You were now hiding in an abandoned storage house.

Just as you let your bags down, you heard a gun click and a cold, hard barrel press against your forehead.

You turned around to face the prince of the family and the strongest, Johnny Suh himself.

He stood there with an amused smirk on his face and an even colder gaze in his eyes.
He raised one eyebrow, as if in consideration, and finally said,
"You're such a pain, you know?"

You groan in frustration and put your hands up. "Perfect, now you have been escaping me every time that I'm close to catching you."
The hero spoke, his tone still flat and emotionless. "In fact, I'm surprised that you managed to last this long without getting caught."

"But, as they say, all good things must come to an end."

Prince Johnny took a step forward, his gun still pointed at you. His gaze suddenly became harsher, and he spoke in a menacing tone.

"You're coming with me."

You knew that you couldn't run away from the prince any longer. His reputation for catching villains was second to none, and he had a habit of catching his targets by surprise.

There was no way that you would escape this time. As the barrel of the gun pressed harder against your forehead, you resigned yourself to being taken into custody.

"Now, let's go." He commanded, turning around abruptly and starting to walk away.

You followed behind him, keeping a cautious distance but realizing that there was no point in resisting.

As you two walked through the abandoned streets of the city, you couldn't help but notice the stares of the residents.

They seemed to recognize the strong prince, and their expressions gave off an eerie feeling of respect mixed with fear.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked.

"Our headquarters," he said, replying briskly, his tone still flat and emotionless.
"Your days of committing crimes will come to an end at this very moment."

"So you guys are going to kill me??"

"Of course not." Johnny said it as if it were obvious. "We have a prison dedicated to villains, and you'll be staying there until you have served your full sentence."

"How long is my sentence?"

"You'll be incarcerated for 5 years," he explained. "And after that, you'll have to complete a rehabilitation program, which will last for an additional 3 years."

"It's a lenient sentence, considering the type of crimes you've committed," he continued, making you roll your eyes in annoyance. "But it will suffice to ensure that you'll never commit another crime ever again."

You sigh and look at him, saying his real name in front of him."

"Johnny, you really don't remember me."

The prince frowned as he turned to look at you. "Do I know you?" He asked, his tone still flat and emotionless.

"What's my name?"

He looked perplexed for a moment before he suddenly seemed to remember something.

"You're...Y/N," he concluded.

"That's all you know about me?" you scoff

He paused for a moment, as if trying to remember more about you. "Well, there is one thing else I remember." He mused.

"What is it?!"

"Well, you seem to have a knack for escaping me." He said it, his tone still flat and emotionless. "You're clever; I'll give you that."

"You sigh.. thats not what I wanted you to remember, by."

The prince lets out a short chuckle. "You were expecting something more personal, I presume?"

"You're so dumb! We were friends."

You see him raise an eyebrow with a slight look of surprise on his face.

"Friends?" He repeated. "You're joking, obviously."

"They called us the dynamic duo at school.
Did you get brainwashed or something?!"

He remained silent for a few seconds, as if attempting to recall something.

"Dynamic duo," he mumbled. "I do remember something like that, but..."

"I hope you're just playing with me."

"No, I assure you that I'm not." His tone suddenly became serious. "It seems that I have genuinely forgotten about you."

"The memories we made? Going to prom together because we were both nerds, sleepovers? Did you forget everything?"

Johnny blinks a few times as you list off the memories.

"I don't remember any of that," he said, his tone still solemn. "Are you sure that you're not mistaking me for someone else?"

"I know it's you; you were the one with me."

Johnny seemed troubled as he attempted to process these memories. "Then why...don't I remember any of it?" he asked. "I swear, I'm not trying to mess with you. I genuinely have no recollection of these events."

You look down at your cuffed hands.

"I've been trying to find you.. to show you the photo I kept of us," you sigh. "I missed you, Johnny," you continue.

He looks at you a little confused. "I have a photo of us in my pocket. Can you uncuff me? I want to show you."

"Fine," he said, uncuffing you.
He waited patiently as you rummaged through your pocket, looking for the photo.

You smirk at him, knowing he fell for the oldest trick in the book. "Dumbo." You say he is handcuffing his hands together.

Johnny was caught off-guard by your sudden move, and he found himself with his hands tied together before he could even react.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he shouted, trying to break free of the handcuffs.

You pull ropes from your bag, tie his feet together, and push him to the ground.

He was helpless, with his feet tied together as well. He tried wriggling and struggling to free himself, but to no avail.

"Damn it!" He shouted, "What do you think you're doing?"

"And I thought you remembered me."

Johnny was stunned as you continued to tie him up. It had never occurred to him that you would turn the tables on him like this.
He tried again to wriggle free, but his attempts made no progress.

His face was now a mixture of shock and confusion. "What are you trying to do?" he asked, his voice sounding slightly panicked.

"I'll get going now."

"Where do you think you're going?" He demanded, his voice becoming heated. "You can't just leave me here like this."

"Don't let your enemies get what they want... see you around."

"You can't just leave me like this!" he shouted, trying and failing to break free once again. "You can't...you..."

"It was nice seeing you again, Johnny."

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