•Fake gf•Jaehyun•

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I've been writing so much Jaehyun chapters im gonna go insane😍

You were walking in the school's hallway, going to class, when unexpectedly...

You get pulled by your wrist. It's your enemy.

He was the popular bully in the school, and he bullied everyone you knew. Everyone adored him for his good looks. Every girl fell for him. He won their hearts, but not yours. Making him decide to bully you out of everyone in the entire school.

"Hey, I need you to do a favour."

You look at him with an annoyed face and ask him, "What favour?"

"It sounds stupid. But I need you to be my fake girlfriend."

You scoff at his stupid request.

"I'm going to a party at my friend's house, and they said to bring my girlfriend; they expect me to have one," he says.

You just froze, and he noticed it.
Your mind is about to explode; you just don't know what to say, as it's obvious that you hate each other since you both have been competing against each other since you were freshmen.

Jaehyun then noticed that you didn't say anything, and he's now a bit nervous that you'll say no, so then he says, "C'mon, Y/N. Please. Just for tonight."

You didn't like the fact that he was begging you. You had a choice: either agree or disagree. Your mind starts to think about it. The party is later at night, so should you accept this so that Jaehyun doesn't have to cancel later?

You're trying to think about it, but then Asher speaks again. "Please, I know we have our issues, but... please..."

"And what if I don't come?" You suddenly ask

He rolled his eyes and sighed, but he tried to speak calmly. "Well, if you don't, I'll be really embarrassed because... everyone expects me to bring my girl... My friends would also make fun of me, so either you come or I'll have to cancel," he says, giving you an annoyed glare before continuing. "So, will you be my fake girlfriend?"

"What do I get?"

Jaehyun's eyes opened more in surprise; he didn't expect you to ask such a question.
After he processed the question, he gave you his answer.

"You don't get anything; it's just until midnight when the party ends; after that, we never look at each other's faces again." He sighed "Please just accept; I need this."

"If I don't get anything, I won't be your fake girlfriend."

His eyes now looked annoyed. "Really? Not even for me? Not even just for one evening."

"Y/N, just imagine how humiliated and embarrassed I'll be if you don't come."
He gave you a pleading look.

"Please just do it; I don't want my friends to think I don't have a girlfriend."

"That would be pretty funny." You softly giggle at the thought.

You see, his face now looked pissed. He started clenching his fists while speaking, trying to hide the annoyance in his voice.
"So you won't even help me out with this? Is there at least any other reason I could convince you to accept?" He asks, and he waits for your answer. You just don't seem to be budge in giving him a yes.

"Mmh, treat me to sushi after."

His face changes from annoyed to surprised; he didn't expect you to come up with such a random request... A request that he would take.

He nods his head and says it with a bit of excitement.

"You drive a hard bargain. Fine, we could go get sushi afterwards. So, now will you do it?"

"Let's do it."

Jaehyun immediately looked so relieved as you accepted.

The thought of him having to explain to everyone that his so-called "girlfriend" wasn't really his girlfriend was pretty embarrassing. You feel like he should be thankful to you for accepting this, but all he does is look at you with a grateful look and say, "Thank you, Y/N... Seriously, thanks. I'll pick you up at 8 p.m."

— 8pm—

The time has now come, and Jaehyun is outside your house, waiting for you to come out. He looks a bit nervous now, and his stomach is starting to spit.

He's trying to calm himself down by telling himself that there's nothing to freak out about and that in a few hours he won't have to fake date you anymore.

He starts to look at his watch frequently, hoping that you come out soon.

After a few minutes, you eventually come out of the door, and you look absolutely stunning.

Jaehyun can't help but look even more in awe now just by your outfit. You're wearing a light red dress that fits you perfectly and makes you look even prettier. He tries to hide the excitement he feels within him as he approaches you, but it's obvious because he is now staring at you. He also can't help but smile as you look right back at him.

Jaehhun then opens the car door for you. He looks at you even more as you enter the car. He looks at you, trying to take in your whole outfit.

You smile at him too, and he smiles back.
The silence between the two of you slowly starts to build tension because neither of you is saying anything.

He starts the car, looking at you, and then he clears his throat to break the silence.


The car was soon driving to his friend's house. The scenery outside looked nice as you were on the road, driving closer to the location. Asher is slowly starting to talk again after having some thoughts about the upcoming night at the party.

"Soo i have to act like ur gf now?"

He smiles when you ask the question and nods his head.

"Yes, you'll have to pretend that you're my actual girlfriend until the party ends at 11."
He gives you a look that he hopes looks serious, but it was still too obvious that he had some excitement from this as well—that he has someone who will pretend to be his girlfriend.

There is now silence again, and both of you are just focusing on the road ahead.

In only a few minutes, you have reached the location of the party, and Jaehyun parks his car next to the other cars that came from the different invitees.
He unclips the seatbelt and then opens the door for you once more.

"I kinda like this version of you," you say.

Jaehyun is surprised; he didn't think that you'd say something like that to him.
He was used to you being angry and rude to him, but now it's just a bit different.

He smirks. "You like this version of me, do you?" Well, guess what? I kind of like this version of you too."

Hearing him say that made you roll your eyes. "Let's get this over with."

He laughed as he held your hand and started walking to the front door. "I agree. Let's get this over with. Just 5 more hours to go."

You held his hand to make it seem more believable. "Wish us luck," you sigh.

Jaehyun squeezes your hand tightly, and he is trying to hold back a smile.
The excitement is getting to him, but he doesn't show it that much.
"Luck? I wouldn't say that... I can't wait to show the others that I have a cute girlfriend."

"I hate this already."

"Aww, come on, it's not all that bad; at least I have a cute girlfriend to show off tonight."

He grins as you enter the house; he now leads you to the living room, where there is a large gathering of people waiting.

Most of them look impressed or in awe of your outfit, especially the way it suits you so well.

Jaehyun was now leading you through the crowd, and soon you reached the group of his friends.

The group was all talking and laughing, and as you entered, they all stopped and looked at you.
One of them is about to speak when Jaehyun speaks before they do. "Guys! Look who I invited! This is my girlfriend I told you about." They all start to make a lot of surprised comments, and some looks of jealousy and envy are shown.
But Jaehyun doesn't pay any attention to that, as he pulls you aside and whispers something into your ear.

He leans in more, keeping his voice in a whisper so that no one else could hear him.
"Just pretend to be my girlfriend until midnight, so everyone thinks that you're actually my girlfriend for this day. We can act a little intimate, just not too much, or it'll seem weird."

The group of his friends are now looking at him, and then they all turn their gaze to you.
Your face now feels a bit hot from all the attention that is on you, but you force a smile.
They were probably wondering if you were actually his girlfriend or not, so you'll have to act like one if you want to make it realistic. Jaehyun looks at you with a smirk on his lips.

You notice that one of the guys in the friend group is looking at you two closely, so you make sure to also smile more and act like a cute couple together.

The time has now passed, and the group has decided to play truth or dare.

It's a common game that people like to play at parties, so it seemed like the right time to do it now.

The group all sat in a circle, with drinks and food around them.

Jaehyun and you also sit next to each other; you both are just waiting for someone to start the round of truth or dare.

One of his friends was suspicious that we weren't dating, so he decided to ask Jaehyun the truth or dare.

Everyone's attention was now on his friend, who had decided to ask him a question.

"So, Jaehyun, I'll be taking one for the team and asking this. Are you and your so-called "girlfriend" dating?"

Everyone then gasps and whispers to each other; now they're even more curious to hear his answer.

Jaehyun was now looking nervous; he knew that he was under pressure now.
He had to keep up the fake image if he didn't want everyone to be suspicious of him.

He thinks back to what he told you—that you would have to act as his real girlfriend—so he speaks up. "Yeah, of course we're dating; me and her are dating right now."

"So kiss her," his friend said.

Jaehyun's face immediately reddens; he obviously didn't expect that to be said.

All his friends look excited at this; they're probably expecting drama now and that he'll refuse.

But he knows that to keep up the pretence, he'll have to kiss you; otherwise, all his friends will figure it out. So he looks over at you and clears his throat before looking back at his friends. "Sure, I'll do it."

He sees your face with a worried expression.

His friends are now smiling and starting to chant.
"Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

They're probably expecting some action, so they want you and Jaehyun to show some physical action to prove that you are actually dating, so now Asher is looking at you as he is trying to get you in the mood to kiss him too.

"J-jaehyun, I can."

He noticed your hesitation; he could tell that you didn't really want to do this. But he also doesn't want anyone to get suspicious, so he gives you a small wink.

"I'll get you more sushi after. Come on, just one kiss. It's just acting, right? Nothing too bad. Let's just do it, and we can be done with it."

You nod and close your eyes.

All the friends were now silent once they saw you two kissing, and they were stunned and impressed by the unexpected actions.

They clapped in awe and joy; they all couldn't believe it. Some looked a bit jealous, and some looked surprised at themselves when they saw that you and Jaehyun were kissing.

But you knew that this was only for the appearance and to make his friends think that you were his girlfriend, so you did try your best to make it really believable.

The kiss lasts for a few more seconds before, finally, you pull away. You both now look at each other with a small blush on your faces. His friends still look a bit awed by the whole kiss, but soon they're all starting to speak up with random questions.

After the party, it was sushi time.

After the party ended at midnight and after all the truth, dares, and other games, you two finally had time alone.

The party was a success, as all of Jaehyun's friends thought you were his girlfriend, and you acted the part well. They all bid you farewell, and you both exit the house, and Asher now opens the car door for you again.

You both get in, and soon you two head to a sushi restaurant, where you two will go and get your reward.

"That was horrible," you mumble.

Jaehyun could tell how you were feeling from the whole thing—the acting and pretending to be his girlfriend—and he knew you felt awkward. He didn't expect this to happen either—to have to fake date one of his enemies.

Though he tries not to think about it much as he puts the car in park,.

"I know it was bad, but we did it, and now we get to go and have sushi. I'm hoping that that'll lighten up your mood."

"I need 10 sushi boats right now."

He smiles at you and says, "You need 10 sushi boats? Then we'll get 10 sushi boats... whatever you want."

He then got out of the car and held the door open for you, waiting for you to get out as well so that you two could go and get your sushi boats.

"Wait seriously?"

He chuckles as he sees how surprised you are. You didn't expect him to get 10 sushi boats for you, but he will.
"Of course, seriously, you want 10 sushi boats, right? Then we'll get 10 sushi boats."

"Oh, your wallet is going to cry," you chuckle.

"It'll be fine; don't worry."
He leads you inside the sushi restaurant and takes a seat at an empty table.

Do y'all like sushi?

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