•New student pt2•Yangyang•

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Here's a Pt2!!🥳 Hope you guys enjoy it!
Again I'm horrible with writing part 2s, so I hope this isn't that bad😭

Y/N P.O.V:
Ever since that incident happened with me and Yangyang, my mind has been filled with questions.

I needed my answers, so I decided to find him and ask him some questions.

During my break, I went everywhere in the school trying to find him.
I asked students and teachers, I went into the cafeteria, the school roof, empty classrooms everywhere in the school just to find him.
But I couldn't, he just disappeared.

It has been a few days now, and Yangyang still hasn't come back to school.
Walking through the hallways, I could hear people gossiping and wondering where the handsome new student went.
But I wouldn't blame them.
I was trying to find him too.


It was now the weekend, and I was getting ready to go to sleep and enjoy a relaxing weekend of just studying and sleeping.

When suddenly, my mom called me.

"Honey, can you come downstairs?"
She asks, I quickly put on a hoodie and walk down the stairs.

"What's up, mom?" I asked.

"I have amazing news, honey!" She said, smiling,

I wonder why shes so excited.
I questioned her, "what's the good news?"

She told me to sit down, and now I'm sitting across from her in the living room.

"So do you know your old childhood best friend Yangyang?" she stated.

The name..what is it, the new student that disappeared?

"Um kinda I don't really remember much,
we were really young."  I answered.
"Oh, come on, sweetheart, you have to remember at least something about him and remember the time when you had a crush on him." She teased

My face suddenly went pink when she brought that up.

"Mom, we were just seven years old!" I whined, covering my face and blushing.
" So you do remember him," she says, picking up her phone.
"Maybe," I mumble.

"Well, he and his mom just moved into the neighbourhood! And his mom said that he would be going to your school!" She says
"That's great, but I saw him at my school last week. I think," I say, unsure.
"What do you mean, honey? His mom just said that they just arrived in the city."
"Mom, I promise I saw him last week at school."

"That's weird," she says.
"Well, we can figure this out tomorrow, they are coming over for lunch tomorrow, so maybe you could ask him that."

"Lunch... tomorrow! Isn't that too soon, mom?"

"Don't worry about it, now let's sleep," she yawns.

I say goodnight, and I walk up the stairs, going into my room and shutting the door.

The conversation I just had with my mom felt so surreal. I don't know if I'm going crazy, but I swear I saw him last week at school.
She was the guy who asked me where room 7D was, and then he asked me if I remembered him.

He said we were best friends.

That had to be him!


It was the next day, and I woke up pretty late,
it was around 11 p.m And I woke up to my mom shaking me, saying that Yangyang and his mom would be here in an hour.
She told me in a small panicky voice to get up and get ready.

So I did what you said, and now they will be coming in 20 minutes.

I felt pretty anxious, I would be seeing my old childhood best friend that I met when I was five and he was six, but I also met him last week at school, or was that him?
I still don't know.

"Honey, they're here!" I hear my mom shout from downstairs.

They're early..

I stood up and ran downstairs, ready to greet our guests.

"Hi Mrs. Liu!" I smile, giving her a hug.
"Oh, my dear, you've grown so much! And your face is still beautiful as usual,"
she compliments me as I look down, blushing.

"Hey Y/N," my head shot back up when I heard his voice. "Yangyang," I said, smiling.
"Now you've remembered," he said, keeping a straight face.
"Huh? What do you mean? My mom chimed in.
"Oh nothing! Haha" Yangyang awkwardly laughed.

"Well...I'm not really finished cooking lunch." My mom, started
"So I'll help her, while you two talk and catch up in the living room!" Yangyang's mom finished.

They totally planned that.

I lead Yangyang  into our living room, where we both sat down.
I look at him.
He looks at me.

"So Yangyang..." I say awkwardly,
"What's up?" he asked.

I couldn't bear the awkwardness, so I decided to break the ice and ask him the question that has been in my head for the past week.

"What is that really you did last week at school?"
"But my mom said that you guys just moved into the city."
"Well, that's weird," he says.
"Can you please explain?"

"It's a long story" he warned.
"I'll listen, I like listening to your voice" I said
"Huh? Nothing start your story" I say.

"Alright, so basically, I asked my mom if we could move to this city because I knew you lived here, but before we officially decided to move here, I told her I would go alone and explore to see if it was a good place for us to stay, and surprisingly, she agreed.
So I stayed here for a week alone.
I figured out the school, that you went to and the neighbourhood you lived in, when I found you, you were still so pretty"

My cheeks started to turn red.

"But sadly, you didn't remember me.
That kinda hurt me, I really miss you, and I guess you just didn't remember me at all."

He took a pause, staring at your shocked face.

"So after finding out, you didn't remember me. I went back home and almost decided not to move in here, but something in me just told me to tell my mom that we should move in the city. And she agreed since she wanted to explore a new part of Seoul. So we packed our things and arrived yesterday."
He finished leaning back on the coach.

"Yangyang I'm so sorry, I probably just forgot about your face, it was so long ago. I claimed

"Really Y/N? You forgot me that bad? I told you my name was Yangyang.. there's isn't a lot of Yangyangs here"  he says pouting.

"Okay, maybe I just didn't remember anything at all.  Look, I'm sorry," I say, standing up and hugging him.
I feel his arms wrap around my waist.
"I've really missed you," I say, still in his arms.

"I've missed you more."

"Please stay with me."

"I'll be so close to you that you'll never forget me ever again!" He says making me smile.

"Wanna date? He asked
"Like boyfriend and girlfriend?" I say this as my eyes sparkle.
He chuckles and nods.
"Y-yes!!!" You say it a little too loud, making Yangyang laugh.

"Yay!!" I turn around and see both our moms smiling and clapping.

"Our plan worked, they both said, winking at us.

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