•His bsf•Yuta•

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Yuta chapter is here! Might do a pt 2
It's been weeks since you've broken up with your ex.

It's been tough, especially taking the breakup alone since you pushed everyone away, saying you could handle it.

Well, now you're out here crying in the streets under a street lamp while sitting on a nearby bench close to your house.

As silent and small cries escape your mouth, you hear footsteps coming towards you.
"Seriously? Why is a good-looking face like you still crying about him?"

A deep male voice speaks; you look up and see Yuta, your ex-boyfriend's best friend.

He held a bright red lollipop in his hand as he looked at you with raised eyebrows.

"I-I," you stammer, trying to get your words out, but Yuta cuts you off with something in a playful, snarky tone.

"You shouldn't be here wasting your time crying over something that ended weeks ago.".

You look up at him and notice his dark brown eyes scanning you for a few seconds before he gives you a smirk.

He sits down next to you on the bench while taking a small bite off the lollipop.

"Seriously though, he ended things, and here you are crying for days like he was the greatest guy on earth, when in fact he wasn't good enough for you in the first place."

"He was," you mumble.

"Was. Before he cheated on you, Y/N," he says, reminding you of what your ex did.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes as he looked at your face once again.

"You look awful."

You get up slightly and wipe your wet cheeks. You're embarrassed that you got seen crying over that idiot and how he said that you looked miserable. You open your mouth, but he speaks once again.

"I'm going to ask you this, and I need you to be truthful. Was he a good boyfriend?"

This catches you off guard, as you think before you speak.

"I mean, he treated me right at times, but I was always the cause of his stress." You paused, looking at your fingers. "I guess he just got bored of me." You finished.

He gives you that usual smirk he has that catches most girls off guard before speaking once again. "Bored of you? How could anyone be bored of this pretty face?"

He reaches out and places his hand on your shoulder before he takes a small bite off his lollipop.

"Do me a favour?"


"Get over him, please."

He takes a longer look at you, as your eyes are now puffy from crying.

"He's not worth your tears; why are you crying over a guy who can't see your worth and who'll most certainly get bored of someone else in a few months?"

He lets go of your shoulder and takes the lollipop out of his mouth before looking you up and down once again.

"Trust me, I know him better than anyone, so please do yourself a favour and don't waste your tears over him."

He crosses his legs over each other as he leans back on the bench, looking at the night sky as he speaks once again.

His words are right.
He knows you too well, more than your ex.

"Do yourself a favour and forget him."

"It's not that easy," you sigh, wiping your tears.

His attitude shifts immediately as he stops looking up at the sky and turns slightly to look at you. "I know, I know it's not."

He turns his full body towards you as he leans towards you and places one of his hands beside you to gesture to the ground as he speaks once again.

"But trust me, it's going to get better."

"He's not the only option; I'm sure you have better guys lining up behind you, ready to take his place because, believe me, it's his loss."

He chuckles once again as he lets go of his lollipops for a moment to speak once again.

"You're a beautiful girl who's smart, sweet, and loyal; you deserve someone way better than him, am I right?"

As he speaks, you can feel that his voice is genuine; he's not just flirting with you, as he's done with most girls; he's using his words to comfort you.

"Come on, Y/N. Trust me, you have better options than him; don't waste your time crying over something that isn't worth your tears."

He puts the lollipop in his mouth as he looks at you with a genuine smile.

"I'll try my best."

As he sees you slightly smile, he takes the lollipop out of his mouth and offers it to you.

"Wanna have it? The lollipop helps you think better, I swear."

"It's been in your mouth," you say, looking at the lollipop.

He chuckles and shakes his head.
"Yeah, sorry," he says as you see him put his hand in his pocket, and he hands you the lollipop with a small smile on his face as he speaks once again.

"I'll ask you something; don't get mad at me, okay?"

He looks at you with curiosity and amusement in his gaze, clearly wanting to find something out.


He leans forward a little as he speaks to you while taking a small bite off his lollipop.

"Has anyone tried to comfort you? Maybe they helped you get over him?"

You start to think—a lot, actually. But you brushed them off, saying you were alright.
You were too stubborn to tell him the truth.

"None," you lied.

"Wait, seriously?"

That seems odd to him, as he stops his lollipop for a moment as he speaks.

"Are you sure no one hit you up on social media? Not even your close friends checking up on you."

"Ive been brushing them away."

He stares at you for a moment, completely confused.

"You've been ignoring the people trying to check on you, yet you're sad about him?"

He speaks with confusion and slight concern, not a hint of anger in his tone.

"I like taking care of my problems alone; just don't worry about them," you say.

"I am worried, though. Why are you ignoring everyone?

He looks at you carefully, his green eyes now having a slightly concerned look in them.

"If you're sad, you should reach out to your friends; that's what they're ther-"

You got tired of him talking to you like he knows you and cares about you. He probably got dared by your ex to come get you.

Your mind was playing tricks on you, causing you to snap at him.

"Look, why are you even here, Yuta? You're his best friend. Shouldn't you be on his side instead of talking to me like you know me?!"

"Just because he's my best friend doesn't mean that I should defend his wrong actions toward you; he was a jerk to you." He speaks with honesty as he leans forward again.

"You're a good person who deserves to be treated better, am I right?" He says.

"Trust me, he'll never find someone better than you; he's a fool for losing a girl like you. I wouldn't doubt it if he came grovelling back to you with a new-found apology."

He chuckles to himself as he leans back on the bench.

This guy is talking too much.
You didn't mind it, though.
You liked hearing Yuta's voice comforting you.

"Trust me, a guy like him will get a new girl real fast, so I seriously suggest that you do the same."

"I'll wait until the time comes."

"Trust me, it won't take long; you see how guys work; he'll try and fill that empty void you left, leaving him left with another girl's affection."

He chuckles as he speaks once again, his gaze scanning the place before he speaks again.

"And don't say that he won't; I know his type. I'm his best friend for a reason."

You nod at his words, not wanting to talk.

He looked over at you, biting his lollipop stick.
"Now, let's ask you something, and I'll leave you in peace."

"Go ahead"

"How would you feel once he has another girl by his side? Will you be happy for him, or will it make you mad? Or maybe jealous?"

He pauses for a moment before speaking once again.

"Be honest with me, Y/N."

He raises his eyebrows as he waits for you to speak; he seems genuinely curious about how you'll answer his question as he now rests his back against the bench.

"If you don't feel comfortable answering, then forget me."

"Revenge and make him jealous."

Once Yuta heard your answer, he chuckled and laughed. "Seriously? Revenge?" He tilts his head to the side before speaking once again.

"What if he gets a girl with a similar personality to you?"

"Then I'll get a guy similar to him," you state.

"You're something—a crazy girl," he chuckles, making you smile proudly at your answer.

He stands up and looks down at you.
"I know you enough to know that you won't get over him that fast, but you should. He's not good for you. find someone better, Y/N."
He leaves you alone as you sit in silence.

You already missed his comforting words.

After a few days, you see your ex's status change to "in a relationship with."

You see, your ex's profile picture has also changed to him standing in a park with a new girl; she looked identical to you.

Yuta was right. 😔

Your body freezes as you see the picture in disbelief, and it takes a while before you start to feel a cold feeling in your stomach.

You quickly call his Yuta, and he picks up almost immediately. You hear him chuckle for a moment before speaking once again.

"Hey, you okay?"

He speaks with a light tone in his voice as he notices you've called him and is now curious.

"He's in a relationship now, and you were right."

You hear him chuckle. "Yeah? Feeling worried?" He spoke with a slight snark in his voice, but you could tell that he knew that this was going to be hard for you to hear.

"Can you come over? I want to talk."

"For what?" He asked with a curious tone.

"You know what I said when you asked me that question some days ago?"

You hear him laugh. "Seriously Y/N?"

"I want revenge."

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