•Ring to confession•Chenle•

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You have a best friend named Chenle. He is cold, shy, and introverted. You two have been friends since middle school, and he loved you at first sight.

One day, you buy him a promise ring to wear on his best friend's day. He was shocked and looked embarrassed; his face looked red.
You chuckle and say that he is embarrassed.

"W-what? No.. I'm just hot. Yeah, it's really hot here. Why is it so hot, huh?"
He was blushing, and he kept repeating words many times.

"Ahh, youre blushing," you tease him.

"Shut up.." He was embarrassed; he was thinking about how it was possible that you were the one who saw him blushing.

"Sooo, do you like it?"

"Do I like it? "Yeah," he gulps. "I like it a lot, but it doesn't mean anything else other than us being best friends."

"Of course silly, its just a promise ring."

"Good, I was worried I might have given you the wrong meaning." He sighed with relief and chuckled.

Once he said that your heart had sunk but you kept it calm and cool, hoping he wouldn't notice your sudden sadness wash over you.


"But if you don't mind, can I ask you something?" He asks, looking into your eyes.


"If I ask you something, would you answer truthfully?"


"Okay, okay..... Do you... have a boyfriend or someone you like?"

"No. If I did, I would have told you asap if i did. You're my best friend, silly."

He chuckled and blushed, but he then turned serious again. "Are you lying?" He says, as you shake your head, no.

He sighed with relief again. It seems like you were saying the truth.
"Good. But what if I told you that I really like someone?"

"You? Have a crush on someone?! Finally!"
You cheer, making him laugh.

"But you have to guess; it's a game."
He smiled warmly; he looked cute while he was doing that. He then put his hands on your shoulders and turned you to face him; his right eyebrow was raised.

"Can you guess?"

"Ugh, I hate you."

He laughed playfully and patted your head. "Aw, you hate me? What if I kiss you now and make you forgive me, huh?"

He leaned on toward you; his left eyebrow was raised again. He was teasing you now.

"Okay, give me some hints." You sigh, completely ignoring what he said about kissing you.

"Uh, okay, fine. Let me think. Ah! I always get flustered around them; they always make me happy and annoyed at the same time. I want to kiss them until their cheeks go red like mine.

He said this while his cheeks were red, so it looked like it was true.

"I also get jealous and possessive when they are with someone else, just because I love them. He added a sweet grin to his face as he waited for your answer.

"Oh, that's wired."

"Hmm. Is it? Well, what if I like you?~ he said this in a teasing tone with a playful grin on his face. He waited for your reaction.

"Youre funny"

Instead of laughing, he kept that playful grin on his face. "I'm not joking, I really like you. ~"
He said this while he was still leaning toward you.

"What if I don't like you?"

He thought about it for a while; his face was still smiling. He then told the harsh truth.
"Then I'll move on. But even if I move on,

"I'm just kidding," you giggle at his sudden change of act.

"Wait you..like..me?" He looked genuinely shocked, and his face turned really red. He didn't expect an answer like that. He was still blushing when he said this. He was speechless, and he didn't know what to say after that.

There was a long silence between the two of them. He was waiting and wanting to hear what you would say next. That's why he was still leaning toward you.

"I do"

"You do? .....wait..wait what?" He was still blushing; his heart was beating so fast now that it would explode at any moment.

He never expected someone to like him back, let alone his best friend.

He finally composed himself a little bit when you said that; his blush was still on his face, but most of the redness was already gone. He finally smiled warmly while saying this.
"Are you sure you're not messing with me?"

"No, I'm not," you smile, poking his face.

The happiness in his face couldn't be hidden now; he was blushing, but his face was full of smiles all over. You can tell that he's really happy. His body language speaks for him right now. "That's great. I really thought you would reject me because we were best friends."

He then took one step closer to you and wrapped his hands around your waist with a teasing grin on his face.

"Come in Y/N... say you love me," he says.

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