•Cat lovers•Jisung•

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"Where are you, kitty kitty?" You hollered into the thin evening air, hands on your hips, with your eyes scanning the area for a white-furred kitty. Walking around, you finally saw her.

"There you are!" Exhaling in relief, you ran over to where you could see.

Yang's tiny tail around the corner.
"Come here, Yang."

A guy your age in a grey zip-up hoodie was crouching down before your cat, stroking her chin with his slender fingers as she emitted warm and friendly purrs.
She's usually not this fond of strangers; whenever Yang is with someone who isn't you, she will run away and even try to bite them, even though she doesn't bite.

Upon your arrival, he gazed up and met your eyes with a soft smile.
"Is this your cat?"

You nodded awkwardly as he smiled.

For a few minutes while he continued playing with your cat, you two had a brief conversation.

It was interrupted when you walked away to take a phone call from your mom.
You took a sneaky glance behind and regretted it when you saw he was still looking in your direction.

'I've got to go." You smiled disappointedly, scooping your cat into your arms, and headed home.
"Alright, see you around."
The guy walked away, and you went back home with Yang.

When you set Yang down on the sofa and unclasped her collar, a small piece of folded paper fell out.

Confused, you picked it up and unfolded it: "You're cute. (phone number)"

Although he had given you his number, you hadn't dared to send a single message.
It had been 3 days since the encounter.

For a cat, Yang rather enjoyed walks, you normally brought her outside into the early evening air.
You hated morning walks, so it was always evening time.

All of a sudden, Yang got extremely excited and yanked at the harness to make you go in the direction she insisted on.
"Yang!! What are you doing?"

"Oh, it's you again."
A familiar voice rang in your ears.

"You didn't even try to message me?" He pouts at you.
"Uhh, I was going to message you, but I forgot."

"Mmh, well I'm Jisung, your cat likes me a lot?
Don't you?" He chuckled.

"I'm Y/N, and yeah this is Yang." You smiled, unsure of what to say.

You felt another paw that wasn't Yang's rubbing against your foot, glancing down to see a gorgeous black cat.
"This is Yin." Jisung introduced.

Yin and Yang

Almost squealing, you instantly embraced the cat and gave him a series of pats.
Jisung couldn't help but smile at the sight of you gushing over his cat.

Yang gave you a funny glare, slightly jealous. She nudged Jisung affectionately in vengeance.

"Wanna have a date?"
You shot your head up to stare at Jisung.
"For our cats." He cheekily grinned.
"Yeah sure"


Holding Yang in your arms, you waited for Jisung to open the gate after you rang his doorbell.

"It looks like my date is here."
"You mean Yin's date."
"That too." He smirked.

You watched the two cats play in Jisung's indoor playground.

Jisung came back from the kitchen and sat close to you, holding out a glass of apple juice.
"I can't really cook, so maybe we can order something," he says, looking a bit embarrassed.
"I can cook," you say, taking a sip when both cats in a playful chase suddenly come bolting towards you.

In a poor attempt to avoid direct impact, you instinctively swerved to your left, which wasn't exactly the best idea.

You were now sprawled on top of an alarmed Jisung, and apple juice had spilled absolutely everywhere, on the sofa, on your shirts, on the floor.

"I smell like an apple." The silence is broken by your whine.
Jisung burst out laughing,
"You're worried about that?" He leaned in slightly.
"Sorry about the mess," you pout about to stand up when he grabs your wrist to stop you because he wants to say something, and you fall back onto his chest.

"Don't worry about the mess. I'll get us a change of clothes."
With that, he jumped to his feet and ran to his room.

Watching the two cats act like nothing happened, Jisung appeared again, holding two shirts.
"This one's big enough for you to wear like a sort of dress." He reassured you, tossing you the grey one.

As if you weren't there, he stripped his shirt off in front of you and quickly put on the new one.
Your brain yelled to look away, but your eyes wanted otherwise.
They were glued to the heart-racing sight.

"Jisung, are you crazy?!?" You cried and glanced away with flushed cheeks when he was done.

"You can change over there." He casually pointed to the bathroom to the far right, pretending he hadn't noticed you staring.
When you changed, you came out and thanked him.

He was right. His shirt drooped slightly over your knees and was comfortably oversized.
"Aww, look at you." Jisung grinned, not-so-subtly checking you out in his clothes.
"What are you looking at?" You lightly smacked his arm.

He stepped closer, and his height towered over you in a way that made you at a loss for words.
"Mm, I don't know. But you look really pretty in my shirt," he teased in a hushed tone, gazing right into your eyes.

"I." You stalled for time, pretending the tension wasn't there.
"Let's go check on the cats," you say, quickly walking away, making Jisung laugh.

Yin and Yang were innocently playing with each other.
You crouched before them,
"Hi cuties."
Then, you felt a hand pat you on the head and say, "Hello, cutie."
You smiled to yourself and dragged him down to the floor by the wrist.

For the next hour, you two had much fun and afterwards had dinner together, thanks to your amazing cooking skills.

When he was done cleaning up the dishes,
He leaned with his back facing the sink and gripped the counter while looking at you.
"I'd really like to get to know you, Y/N."

The way he said your name made your heart flutter, "Me too."

He leaned in closer. "Can I?"
You assumed what that meant, and, well, it was half-correct.
Your eyes were shut when you felt his lips press softly against your forehead.

Oh. He meant that.

Embarrassed, you awkwardly giggled, feeling silly for thinking you two would actually kiss so quickly.

He rubbed his thumb across your barely parted lips and said, "One day, it'll be here."

You blushed and nodded, not knowing what to say.
"Stay for the night, can you?"

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