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You were on FaceTime with your boyfriend. Showering him with stories made your day while he was working on a new song. He seemed really focused, but it looked like he was listening to your stories, so you continued talking.

"Oh, and then guess what happened!", you rambled on and on.
You noticed he wasn't really caring anymore.

You were a very talkative person, some people liked it and some didn't.
But you couldn't do anything about it.
You tried your best to stop talking a lot, but you had so much on your mind that you couldn't keep quiet.

"Taeyong? Baby.. Are you listening?", you asked twice. "Okay, Y/N, why are you talking so much? I'm trying to work on my new song. So like, quiet down, will you?"
He suddenly blurted out.


You just hung up, he was probably not even gonna notice. There goes your big mouth again.

The next day, while you were making yourself breakfast, you were sitting on your dining table happily eating your eggs.

Then Taeyong called you. You didn't feel like picking up, but you did anyway.

"Hey, babe, how have you been?", he asked.
"Okay" you said softly.

Ignoring the fact that you cried last night
You had a sensitive heart, and hearing the person you love the most say that to you, it stings.

Normally, you would've told him everything right now.
What you're eating for breakfast, your dreams, or even what you did first thing when you woke up.

But you didn't.

"No stories today, love?", he chuckled.
"Nope.", You laughed, feeling hurt inside.
"Well, how has your day been?",
"Fine,"  you said.
But instead, you felt horrible, he doesn't care at all.
He probably did not even notice your change of mood.

"Okay, well, I got to go to practice, I'll come over for lunch," he smiles, hanging up the call.

Even though you were alone at home, you didn't talk much after that.

Taeyong came for lunch, and you both talked.
You had to talk to your boyfriend, but he gave short answers. Ignoring him wasn't necessary.

But you haven't talked a lot at all.

When he left after lunch, you barley messaged him about your day; you just kept all of it in your head for no one to hear.

After a few days, you were at his door.
He wanted to hang out, and you agreed.
"Hey baby!", he says, hugging you. You smile and walk in.

You guys sat down, and you went on your phone. "So, how's your day going?", he asked.

"Pretty good", you said.
He suddenly sighed. "Y/N, can you please stop?
"Stop what?"

"That! Doing that. Stop talking to me like a robot,, he snapped.

Is he serious?

"Oh? Well, I'm sorry. Weren't you the one who said I was talking too much and should quiet down? Why is it such a problem now?"
You yelled back.

His eyes softened, and he finally noticed his mistake. After two weeks of short answers and barely talking to him, he finally noticed.

"Y/N, I didn't mean it" he whispers.

I went on a road trip, and to entertain myself I wrote a lot of chapters 🥲 so expect alot of chapters coming up ˃̵  ˂̵)و

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