25 ✦ Infiltration of the heart

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IT WAS NIGHTFALL. Rain was pouring down in torrent amounts of water.

Kuki Shinobu had picked out this day to get into the Fatui's hidden warehouse due to the weather. Strong rainfalls meant muffled footsteps and reduced visibility.

It was an infiltration technique passed down through shinobi from generation to generation. The sound of the rain hitting the surfaces drowned out any sounds of movements or footsteps.

Ayaka, Kuki and Lumine were disguised in the Fatui agent uniforms that Childe had lent her. Crouching in the grass silently behind some rocks, they quietly observed a pair of Fatui guards walk by, patrolling the area.

Kuki turned to Lumine, and leaned in to whisper.

"Alright, so me and Ayaka will scout for the mirror, and you'll go look for an object that the Lady Guuji wants?"

Lumine nodded.

"Remember the plan?" She said in a low voice.

They nodded in unison and split off in separate directions. Kuki and Ayaka split off from Lumine quietly to prepare to sneak through the entrance while Lumine would approach the patrolling pair.

Lumine walked over casually to the guards on patrol and put on her best villainous voice.

"You've been relieved of duty. I'll take over now."

The electro and pyro mages looked at eachother and cocked their heads.

"Nobody informed us we were getting switched out today?"

"Tartaglia's orders. Don't ask me." She responded while shrugging her shoulders trying to look uninterested.

Thanks to the rain they couldn't read her face as accurately as they would've during a sunny day.

The pyro agent replied arrogantly.

"That's...Master Childe. You know we're not supposed to address them by their rank names outside of base right?"

"Seriously. The nerve." The masked electro woman replied after her coworker.

Lumine unleashed the biggest mental eyeroll of her entire existence before responding.

"My mistake. Master Childe. I'm just on edge. It's my first time he's assigning me."

"Oh... yeah, I get it. Congratulations for joining by the way." The pyro agent said.

The pair nodded and walked off and Lumine let out a small sigh of relief as she proceeded to pretend to stand watch by the entrance.

"Wait a minute." The woman said suddenly and stopped walking.

Lumine froze and clenched her teeth, her back to them.

Oh no.

She slowly turned to face themx

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