31 ✦ The Curse of the Soul Kiss

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LUMINE SPENT THE NIGHT turning in her bed with mixed feelings about how the evening had gone

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LUMINE SPENT THE NIGHT turning in her bed with mixed feelings about how the evening had gone.

She wanted to go upstairs to the next floor and knock on Xiao's door to try and reason with him but she also knew that even if he would agree someone else would remain in the back of her mind. There was no way out. Either she told Childe that she would stop seeing him and tried to get Xiao back or she moved on from this situation and proceeded forward with a very risky individual who might not even care about her all that much.

There was no tangible proof that the Harbinger really cared for her. The idea that he was playing her strings like a puppeteer for a grander Fatui plan kept her on the edge.

No way... I can't go ask him what he meant about Childe's colours. That's cruel. Yet he seemed so unphased to let me go...

She got up and threw on a long white kimono over her pajamas and stubbornly made her way up to the higher floor. She stared at the familiar door that led to the private quarters of the Yaksha.

"This is obviously a bad idea..." she mumbled to herself.


She jumped at the sound of the displeased voice and turned to find Xiao staring at her coldly, in his usual demeanour, arms crossed.

"What do you think you're doing?" He inquired.

"You owe me answers since you're unwilling to work something out. That much you can do."

She crossed her arms staring back at him in determination.

He let out a tired sigh.

"Fine. What's your question?"

"It's true that I somehow built a connection with Childe, unintentionally." She started hesitantly.

"Get to the point." He stated.

"What did you mean about his colours?" She said timidly.

"Right. I forget how little mortals can see even with their so-called intuitions."

"You once told me you can see the energy in people and when they're truthful or deceiving..." she continued.

"You do not know his intentions?" He asked, seemingly struck by this.

"I don't really believe any of it."

"The colours were bright. Some were dark but, I suppose you could say that they were being drowned out by the light."

"And you... you're sure about what you saw?"

"It was crystal clear." He said impatiently.

"I bet you can see my energy when I said what I said earlier tonight and yet you chose to deny me." She looked down.

"Precisely. The energy you had for me was completely overshadowed by the rest. I see you're in turmoil. But you must understand, that energy clashing with the one for me is a recipe spelled for disappointment."

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