22 ✦ Aether

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She turned towards him, her cheeks shiny from the tears that had slipped down her face. A reflection from the camp fire hit against her shiny amber eyes. The gold in her eyes danced alongside a mix of flames.

"I'll take you to see him."

He slowly got up and extended a hand towards her with a solemn expression.
Lumine fell silent. There was no anger left inside her. She felt her walls come down in defeat upon hearing the words come out of his mouth and her eyelashes moved with her gaze as her eyes fell on his hand.

She stared at it like a starving dog that didn't know whether to take the food from a hand that would either show it kindness or abuse it again. So many thoughts ran through her mind in the span of a second and yet she felt a void inside of her, she felt like no matter how long she ran in Aether's direction, the distance would remain the same, like a bad illusionary maze that never intended to reveal its exit.

He walked over to her slowly as she stared void of emotion in her eyes. He placed a hand on her shoulder and closed his eyes. A second went by and they were standing inside a room.

Paimon blinked a few times and looked around the sudden empty area. Childe and Lumine had vanished. Her mouth dropped open.

"HEY!!! You forgot Paimon!!!" She screamed and stomped around furiously while hovering in the air.

Lumine looked around slowly. The bedroom was very similar to the one she had seen in his flat in Liyue. The same style furniture and bed was present but in different colours.

Instead of the reds, whites and golds this one had royal blue, some golds and whites. The same canopy type of bed was situated in the center of the room but this room was much larger by no little comparison.

"Stay there...DON'T move and don't make a sound." He said with his hand making a cautionary gesture.

He promptly stepped out through a door and closed it behind him swiftly and quietly.  She stared at the door confused and looked back behind her, she noticed large windows. Making her way over, she suddenly stopped and let out a small gasp at the scenery.

There were beautiful banks of snow and large fluffy snowflakes were slowly falling. Snow topped mountains could just barely be seen in the snowy horizon. She noticed a large frozen lake and what seemed like pathways for walking with benches.

She suddenly wondered if there was a secret area she had missed in Dragonspine and frowned. Just where had he taken her? And why did his entire personality shift to anxious and secretive in here?

"Get away from the windows!"

A whispered voice hissed in a panic as she was pulled away by the arm. She looked back startled and noticed for the first time that the Harbinger seemed to be on edge.

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