28 ✦ The Abyss Mirror, Part I

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YAE MIKO'S EARS twitched as she heard the sound of boot soles lightly scraping the ground some distance from her and the Sacred Sakura Tree

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YAE MIKO'S EARS twitched as she heard the sound of boot soles lightly scraping the ground some distance from her and the Sacred Sakura Tree.

She could identify anyone by their footsteps without needing to look at them—thanks to one of her many Kitsune talents. The rhythmic sound continued and then stopped a few meters from her. A shadowy silhouette stretched out across the stones that covered the grounds of the Grand Narukami Shrine. A few pale pink sakura petals floated by carried by a gentle breeze. The smell of a flower she only ever recognized on Lumine reached her nose briefly.

Her eloquent voice teased calmly.

"My, tis certainly not every day the Grand Narukami Shrine receives such a riveting guest."

The pink fox ears lightly flicked as a small breeze brushed the Guuji's pink hair.

"Pray tell to what do I owe this pleasure?"

The fox priestess was seated on her knees in an upright position, meditating next to the sacred Sakura Tree.

This was a frequent activity for her at nightfall after visiting hours were over. In the past, the Raiden Shogun used to visit and they would meditate together—but after a few years she had stopped coming by. Yae had always been quite fond of the Shogun and cared deeply for their friendship.

Small and quick footsteps were heard echoing across the courtyard and a young woman's panicked voice was heard.

"I'm so sorry my lady! I tried to tell him visiting hours were over."

A maiden wearing a fox mask said out of breath behind the man.

"It's fine Hazuki. I'll deal with him. You may go."

The maiden bowed and hurriedly left while shooting the man a nasty look from behind her mask.

"So, Harbinger, why are you troubling my maidens on this fair evening?"

She slowly lifted her head and her purple eyes flicked towards the red and brown haired man with a cold smile.

"Why ask? I bet you already knew I was coming, Kitsune." He shrugged.

"Still so elegant with your words I see." She sighed, amused.

"You know why I'm here. Let's skip the pleasantries, Guuji. I'm not interested in your charades." He retorted.

His blue eyes narrowed on her's like a hunter did on a target. They were cold and empty of any emotions. For a split second, the fox looked at the icy stare warily. A tension built up as a few seconds elapsed and then she relaxed her shoulders and smiled.

"Well?" She rose her eyebrows in question at the Harbinger.

Childe wasn't the first Harbinger she had met. She knew of the dark activities they engaged in and of their ridiculous strength and viciousness. Tartaglia was no stranger to her.

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