28 ✦ The Abyss Mirror, Part II

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THE MIXTURE OF SWEET and salty flavours hit Lumine's tastebuds as she took a bite of the teriyaki stir fry Childe had prepared

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THE MIXTURE OF SWEET and salty flavours hit Lumine's tastebuds as she took a bite of the teriyaki stir fry Childe had prepared.

To her astonishment, it was delicious. It could rival what she had tried in Liyue and she looked at her bowl astonished.

"What's that face?" He laughed.

"Oh...It's amazing." She said reluctantly.

"Were you expecting it to taste bad?" He said concerned.

"Well.. no. I just didn't expect it to be this good."

"Wait.. was the ramen I made you not that great last time?"

She suddenly remembered one of the most incredible bowls of ramen she had ever had back at Thoma's that he had prepared for her and suddenly craved it.

I refuse to tell him that was the best ramen I've ever had.

"Oh no.. it was amazing as well."

"Hold on, you hesitated." He whispered quickly, his eyes focused on her face in deep concern.

He refused to be mediocre at anything in life. If he did something, it had to be perfect, if not the best. There was no space for half-ass things in his life.

"I.. I didn't."

"You did!"

He frowned.

"If it needs improvement you tell me right now."

He placed his utensils down and Lumine looked at him in disbelief at how serious he looked. She held back on a laugh that wanted to come out.

"Okay, calm down.. don't.. freak out or whatever it is that you're doing."

Lumine eyed him as if he was a crazy old person.

"It might have been one of the best ramen I've ever had. That's all..." she said quickly.

Childe immediately relaxed and leaned against the chair relieved.

"Archons, why didn't you just say that from the start?" He complained.

"Do you care that much what people think of your cooking?"

He let out a long sigh and frowned. His eyes shifted up at her. She felt as if you could cut the tension with scissors.

"Lumine... everything I do.. I give it my all. If you do something, do it with everything you've got. That's the only correct way of living in my opinion. I really dislike lazy people who do things a half ass way. Maybe that's why I admire you so much. When you face ennemies, you really go in with everything you've got. I know I had front row tickets to it."

Lumine blinked a few times. She did not expect such a deep conversation over a question about cooking. She realized the more she spent time with him, the more there was depth to who he was as a person.

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