11 ✦ Xiao's Memories

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I RAN as fast as I could as I made my way back towards the Harbor, the skies were painted black, strong winds and rained lashed at us and lightning unnaturally stroke the seas in the distance

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I RAN as fast as I could as I made my way back towards the Harbor, the skies were painted black, strong winds and rained lashed at us and lightning unnaturally stroke the seas in the distance. We felt the ground trembled. A large shadow loomed over us and we looked up to see the Jade Palace as it majestically glided across the lands towards the sea.

"Let's go."

I said as I grabbed a hold of Paimon and blinked through the distance, landing on the Jade Chamber's exterior platforms. Paimon panted behind me in exhaustion. We made our way to the front to see what was going on ahead and to our horror, we could see monstrous tornadoes of water rising out of the sea and reaching into the clouds. Inside a giant vortex of water, rose out 5 giant snake-like heads of water. It looked absolutely terrifying. We gasped in unison.

"What.. are you doing here?"

A low raspy voice I knew well came from behind and squeezed at my heart as I turned around.

"Xiao." I smiled in relief.

"I heard there was a confrontation between the Adepti and the Qixing. Im so relieved to see you're fine."

I felt so happy. We hadn't spoken since the last time I seen him and to my surprise, I realized that I had missed him.

"Tsk. Please. I'm perfectly fine. This is dangerous. You shouldn't be here." He said dryly.

To my surprise the rest of the adepti accompanied by Ningguang, Keqing and Millelith soldiers followed behind him. Ningguang spoke to me.

"Seeing the current precarious situation we've found ourselves in, we have temporarily agreed to place our differences aside to confront this common enemy."

"How are gonna stop this thing?!" Said Paimon.

Keqing stepped forward next to Xiao and stood in a confident stance.

"We're gonna stop it before it reaches the Harbor."

I turned towards the beast that was swimming steadily in the direction of the Harbor.

"This....is what...you fought two thousand years ago?"

I said in a shocked voice and looked back at them. Xiao crossed his arms quietly.

"Are we gonna be enough to deal with this thing?" I inquired.

Xiao interrupted.

"Who said anything about we? You should leave. The adepti can handle this."

"No way!" I shouted.

"I'm not standing behind while you.. you all risk your lives. Forget it."

Xiao was about to argue and Cloud Retainer interrupted him.

"We will with the aid of the Guizhong Ballista, we shall. For one who crafted it with one's own hands, is here. And with a little tinkering it can be an object of war beyond your wildest imagination."

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