17 ✦ The Taste of a Yaksha ♥︎

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There is 18+ material at the end of this chapter so Viewer discretion is advised =)

Lumine stood still for several minutes under the weak lantern light staring at the door while she contemplated her options. She doubted Childe kept the password written on a piece of paper somewhere, but this was also a very unique circumstance with high advantages — like the fact that he wasn't going to wake up any time soon.

She looked around but there was absolutely nothing for the exception of the door and the device.

"Maybe if I..."

She activated her elemental vision and looked around. She noticed that 4 of the 9 symbols on the password device had signifiant levels of energy.

So it's a combination of these 4 but... how can I figure this out.

Her shoulders slumped. I gotta ask Paimon what these symbols mean and come back... but when will I ever get another golden opportunity like this... she sighed in frustration.

She turned around and very quietly went back up the stairs and peeked. Childe was completely passed out and sleeping deeply.

I could....try waking him up and asking for the code.. but it's extremely risky. He will either give me a drunken answer or.. snap out of it and I'll be screwed. You know what...the Inn is just around the corner anyway.

Lumine switfly walked out the loft, head down the stairs as quickly as possible and rushed to the Inn.

She barged into her room.

"PAIMON GET UP I NEED Y—" she burst loudly and stopped upon seeing Xiao sitting in the room staring at her in surprise.

He looked at her with a concerned expression.

"I take it this has something to do with the Fatui." He said nonchalantly.

"How'd y—"

"It's written all over you."

"Oh right. Forgot you can do that. I found something that.. might be valuable but I need..."

She trailed off suddenly realizing a two thousand year old Adeptus would most probably be her best bet to read foreign symbols.

"Actually.... You're coming with me."

She grabbed his hand and pulled him by the arm outside the room as she started walking back quickly towards the direction of the loft.

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