6 ✦ Fatui's Bait & Yaksha's Shackles

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"I'VE GOT ALL THE INFORMATION you need. But let's go talk at my place."

The tall dark and orange brown haired man motioned with his head for me to follow him and I let out an exasperated reluctant groan as I followed.

"Let's discuss things inside."

Once we arrived he gave me a look with his eyes that gestured over to the guard cloaked in black and purple standing by his door. The guard gave a salute and congratulated us on becoming enlightened for building a career with the Fatui.

My eyes rolled to my cerebellum.

"Go ahead and have a seat while I go make some tea."

I was about to deny his offer of any poisonous fatui drinks but the moment I looked around, the colours hit me by surprise.

I'm not entirely sure what I expected the inside to look like, but at the very least, I expected it to be dark and gloomy, okay fine, maybe a few coffins.

However to my surprise the inside had red trims alongside the walls, matching the exterior red wood that was a traditional sight for Liyue Harbor's residences.

It was a bright open space designed in an oriental style with hanging ceiling lanterns. A beautiful folding screen depicting a painting of Liyue's rocky landscape was in the entrance with a few shelves and decorations. Paimon was completely absorbed by the colours like a child.

It was beautiful and had an elegant and homely tone to it, so much so that I forgot who's home I was in and asked in a friendly tone

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It was beautiful and had an elegant and homely tone to it, so much so that I forgot who's home I was in and asked in a friendly tone.

"Did you decorate this place ?"

"Yes. Although I had to get special permission to paint the wooden trims red, luckily for me I can be very persuasive."

The last emphasized word reminded me who's home this belonged to and I retrieved to my inner Fatui-hating band camp.


Paimon came closer and hushed to me.

"Paimon thinks the ugly Fatui doesn't have ugly taste in interior decor at least."

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