29 ✦ A Harbinger's Dilemma

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CHILDE WALKED IN HIS BEDROOM and closed the door behind him quietly. He wasn't sure how to break the news to her and while walking the whole way back, he had debated on what to say to her exactly.

Those moments of joy he had seen in her eyes were about to be turned into a disappointment. He wasn't sure why he was afraid to speak. Maybe deep inside, he didn't want to be the reason once again for delivering bad news. Once again, he was going to be the disappointment, and once again he was straying further away from her ever looking at him differently.

A feeling in his chest sank when he raised his eyes to look at her. Her bright round eyes were looking at him with hope.

"So?" She asked.

She was wearing his old coat. It fit her almost perfectly, except that it was a little too long for her as he was fairly taller than her. The hem of the coat dropped just below her knees.

Childe opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He bit his bottom lip anxiously.

"What.. what is it?" She asked anxiously taking a few steps towards him, noticing the look of conflict written across his face.

"You can't see him right now."

He decided that he wouldn't tell her everything he had been told for the time being until he figured out more about why her brother was acting so casual about the whole thing.

"Oh..." she paused. "Childe why do you look like you've seen a ghost? Is he okay?"

"It's nothing like that. He's fine. He looks healthier actually." He said slowly thinking of what to say next. Lumine relaxed her body stance a little upon hearing the words.

"It's just that the second in command of the Harbingers is in the lab right now. You definitely can't go down there right now."

"Do you think he'll be there all night?" She asked. The hope in her eyes hadn't shattered yet and something inside him was thankful she hadn't looked at him like he was a disappointment.

Why am I so bent on getting her approval? I've never needed anyone's approval but my own. So why is this happening.? This is stupid.

"You..." he started and then his thoughts finished the rest quietly. You want to stay here and wait him out???

Childe's eyes grew as he feared she was about to ask something he wasn't sure he would be able to tolerate all night without doing something he would probably regret later.

"I mean we can come back another time?" He said warily.

"I.. I know you're busy. So I understand if this is too much. Is there....any way, I could wait here? Until he leaves. I swear I won't make a sound."

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