34 ✦ A Harbinger's Touch

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WE STEP THROUGH ostentatious glass doors opened to us by a doorman and walk up to a tall desk where an employee in a tailored suit greets us politely

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WE STEP THROUGH ostentatious glass doors opened to us by a doorman and walk up to a tall desk where an employee in a tailored suit greets us politely.

"Bienvenue chez L'océan. Do you have a Reservation sir and madam?"

He bows with a smile and my brows slightly raise up because I realize this a whole other level of fancy. This inevitably reminds me of the Jade Suite he had gotten me and Paimon back when I ironically detested him. I compare the two situations in my mind and have a mental sigh wondering how I'm here with him on a real date that I actually want to be on.

"Reservation for two. Childe."

The man looks at his list and then his expression does something very strange for a second and he clears his throat and nods.

"Right away Mr. Childe."

I frown for a moment tempted to sneak a look at his list before following behind but he takes my hand and it only takes 1.5 seconds for me to completely forget about that piece of paper once his hand holds on to mine.

The restaurant is probably what one would describe as the epitome of opulent beach house. The check in area where the guests confirm their reservations is just a pit stop. A waiter opens more glass doors for us on the other end that overlooks a long wooden bridge, like a pier. The bridge is illuminated by floor lights leading down to the restaurant above the ocean.

The sound of the waves calmly rising and lowering underneath us and the smell of the ocean fills my lungs as a slow breeze blows through my hair

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The sound of the waves calmly rising and lowering underneath us and the smell of the ocean fills my lungs as a slow breeze blows through my hair.

I walk to the edge and look below and notice pretty fish, coral and different types of algae busying the waters.

"Definitely need to come back here when I get to this nation.." I utter to myself absorbed by all of its mysterious beauty.

"I debated taking you here because I had a feeling it would take your little adventurer heart right away and I would be left in the dust and to be honest, I think I may be right." He laughs.

This ocean and this restaurant and everything I see is definitely like something out of a movie.
He probably wants to know how he compares to the scenery but I am not giving him any of that satisfaction. Some things are just sacred and my inner thoughts are one of them.

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