Prologue (Spoiler)

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SPOILERS. Skip if you want the whole story to remain a mystery!

(*note: Lum — nickname of adornment; pronounciation: Loom)

HIS SCARLET SCARF lightly fluttered around him carried by the breeze.

"Lum.. it's me or him." He paused.

"I know he's willing to be patient and act like the bigger person." His eyes rolled while quoting with his gloved hands.

"But I'm not that person. In fact, I could care less what you think you feel for him. I'm selfish when it comes to you."

"You're mine." He said arrogantly while staring daggers at the man standing some distance away behind me.

"You always were mine."

His ocean eyes returned to rest on mine. I hated the way they made me feel weak. After everything he had done I shouldn't feel anything, and yet, all it took was one look from him to make my paper-made defenses come tumbling down.

"From the very time I ever laid eyes on you I knew you'd be mine. Even when I tried so hard to fight it and ignore it."

He looked away momentarily with a conflicted look of anger and pain and whatever was left of my resistance snapped immediately.

"Don't get me wrong, your happiness matters but.. I won't think twice about ripping his stupid head off his body."

The affectionate blue eyes that were resting on my face turned ice cold and murderous upon raising them on the man standing a few meters behind me.

"Stop talking like that!" I retorted. "You know how much I hate it."

The word hate was dramatically emphasized with disdain. He lost his menacing composure for a brief moment as he looked back again at me, the look in his eyes left behind a throbbing pain inside my chest. He returned his hateful stare back to the man behind me.

I closed my eyes and furrowed my brows while clutching at my chest painfully. It felt as if I couldn't breathe. My head was spinning.

By the Archons did I end up here?

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined myself ever here, right now, torn between going back to the deepest and darkest desires buried in my heart—even knowing everything— and walking away from it to stay within the safety comfort I had found. I had been through so many things in Teyvat, and seen things beyond what my imagination could've ever manifested and yet, I felt even more irrational and deranged than the things I had witnessed in this world.

I clenched my jaw tightly and frowned as I fought against running over to him and falling apart in his arms.

I'll be just like them if I accept what he's done. I'll be no better than what the Harbingers represent. Maybe I'd be worse...

The dark and chaotic infatuation the man with the blue eyes had for me was impossible to ignore or pull away from. It took a form of its own and consumed me and my senses. Being around him was like being in a trance you knew you shouldn't be in, but craved so deeply, like a drug you knew was dangerous but couldn't seem to be afraid of using. A bad habit I couldn't stop going back to. Perhaps, it could've been seen as an encounter that was destined to be and written in the stars... but as things stood currently, it felt like we were abyss-crossed lovers and not star crossed lovers. But what would I know? Whomst was I to judge what kind of star cross love this was really? At this point were the stars even any different from the abyss anyway?

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