30 ✦ SuperBolide

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I TAKE A DEEP BREATH and place the small Omamori amulet that Yae Miko gifted me in the pocket of my dress and lift my determined gaze

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I TAKE A DEEP BREATH and place the small Omamori amulet that Yae Miko gifted me in the pocket of my dress and lift my determined gaze.
I step through the quiet and dark void within the Torii gates hidden beneath the Grand Narukami Shrine.

My foot sets down on the rocky and sandy surface bearing the massive symbol of a mitsudomoe.

Inside the silent and endless horizon of the Plane of Euthymia, I look straight ahead. My sword materializes in my hand. The old broken Torii gates tower over me like giants but cast no shadows. This strange desolate place has no shadows or light even though there is a faint red glow within the darkness.

"Abolish the Vision Hunt Decree

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"Abolish the Vision Hunt Decree." I demand.

Straight to business.

The Archon who, as always, is in a perpetual semi-conscious state,  floating upside down. She  does not react to my intrusion. Her long dark purple braid gently floats upside down around her. Performing a mudra of meditation, the back of her right hand is rested on the upturned palm of her other hand, the tips of her thumbs lightly touching each other. After an extended period of time she moves her hands apart.

"So... we meet again." The Archon says in a monotone voice, still floating upside down, she opens her eyes to finally look at me. Suddenly the gravity intensifies by at least tenfold and I feel my knees buckle. I stand my ground stubbornly.

Well, here we go. Time to ride the bull by the horns I guess.

"How foolish of you to barge inside Eternity and make demands." She whispers but I can hear the threatening whisper all around at me once. Like a thousand voices simultaneously talking inside my mind and outside of it.

"Your people are suffering because of your Decree!!" I shout at her.

"Oh? And what would a mere shooting star that burns out within the atmosphere could possibly know about having witnessed thousands of burning shooting stars in the blink of an eye?"

Her voice raises sharply with authority and her eyes begin to glow a deep purple. I feel a strange wind blow all around me and suddenly the void all around us is angry. Clouds are spinning around frantically and Torii gates start floating around us.

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