13 ✦ Last Chance

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LUMINE WOKE UP and stretched her legs as the morning sunlight peeked through the curtains

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LUMINE WOKE UP and stretched her legs as the morning sunlight peeked through the curtains. After the Last Rite and things settled down we spent the week in Liyue running commissions and helping various people out.

Today was a special day though. Paimon was very adamant that we check out these ruins that apparently had lots of treasure and was naturally — guarded by tons of Ruin Guards. After an afternoon of exploring ruins and kicking machines around we took a walk and noticed a kid playing near a ruin guard sitting on the floor.

"What is that kid doing?!"

I ran over to him.

"Hey that's dangerous..."

I trailed off as I saw him up close.

The little kid had light brown orange hair and bright blue eyes. He was dressed strangely almost as if it was cold.

"Aren't these Mr. Cyclops amazing!!!"

He jumped up and down.

"Mr. Cyclops?"

Me and Paimon asked in unison. The kid nodded.

"Yeah! Haven't you seen them before?"

Me and Paimon exchanged a confused look.

"Actually these are Ruin Guards and they're very dangerous... you shouldn't go near them."

He looked at us like we were crazy.

"You're wrong! My big brother sells these! He's the best toy seller in the whole world!"

The kid shouted with pride. A pit formed in my stomach.

"So.. where are your parents?"

"Oh... I came here all the way from Snezhnaya! I came to find my big brother here in Liyue but... I have no idea where he is."

"Oh, here you go."

The child handed us a large bag of Mora.

"WOAH! That's so much Mora!!!" Shouted Paimon.

I could see her eyes turning into mora signs.

"Your family must be super rich!!" Paimon exclaimed.

"Stop that!" I hissed at her.

"What is this bag for?" I asked him.

"My big brother said find some nice people to take care of you and give them this bag."

Brown orange hair, blue eyes... from Snezhnaya.. and his brother sells Ruin Guards huh. I've got an annoying feeling about this.

My eye twitched in annoyance as I realized I only knew one person from Snezhnaya. Paimon laughed nervously.

"Paimon has an idea about who we could ask but....you're not gonna like it."

"I know I know, let's go to Northland Bank."

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