36 ✦ Date Night in Snezhnaya - Part 1

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A LONG TABLE that stretched out across a cafeteria was bustling with various Fatui agents of all types busy eating, drinking and chatting away

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A LONG TABLE that stretched out across a cafeteria was bustling with various Fatui agents of all types busy eating, drinking and chatting away.

Tartaglia walked inside and scanned the room thoughtfully. At first the room continued buzzing in chatter and then the nearest table went quiet and the agents suddenly stood up and did a salute in unison. "Master Childe!" Their voices echoed simultaneously, which then resulted in a domino effect until all tables performed the salute and every agent was standing in the room. Even the cafeteria lineup and cashiers were quietly standing with their firsts held up against their chests. Recruits had to salute to their chests but any ranks above a Recruit had to salute next to their foreheads. Typically one wasn't allowed to continue their activity until the Harbinger dismissed them. There were minor exceptions like if a Harbinger appeared during a battle the lower ranks were allowed to finish their battles and then they could Salute afterwards.

"At ease." Tartaglia dismissed them with a wave of his hand. "Just ignore me I'm just looking.. for something." He mutters to the quiet room while scanning all the agents with a narrowed glance.

At first people quietly sat down and weren't sure whether to continue eating.

Someone's voice rose up.

"He dismissed us, y'all can eat you know." The voice chuckled and then newer recruits timidly stared at each other hesitantly before picking up their utensils again.

"Show off." Tartaglia responded next to the man that had told everyone they could eat.

"Careful I'm coming for your rank." The largely muscular man with a blonde buzz cut chuckled.

"What are you doing in Inazuma anyway?" Tartaglia sat next to him and some recruits nervously moved to the side. One even spilled his drink all over him while his friends laughed at him quietly.

"Something tells me you probably know about it already. Cause a certain somebody has a bunch of us getting assigned to Tatarasuna over and over again." He sighed and made a face at Childe who cracked into a small grin.

"Petrov, I never took you for the kind of guy that would struggle against such a small adventurer."

"Hey I'm not the one with a kebab scar inside my abdomen." He shrugged. "Besides, I haven't actually fought her. I have no idea what she's like, I just hear things. Things like Harbingers getting skewered." He chuckled and Childe shoved him playfully. An agent across the table from them stared at Petrov wide-eyed.

"Sh-should he be saying such things to one of the Lord Harbingers?" He whispered crazy eyed to his friend.

"He thinks he's such hot shit but really he's not." Petrov replied nonchalantly to the two wide eyed recruits whose expressions spread across the table.

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