Prologue 1 (Childhood)

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A/N: Am going to miss a lot this chapter like the torture scenes, how his meeting with Kyubi went. I want to make this faster, so I could get into next chapter and I won't be to focus on his childhood, his academic days or chunin exams. This is not a full Naruto neglect book but a book where Naruto get's neglected, abused, betrayed and banished. Am trying to fasten this parts of the story.

"Kaa san, Tou san, can you train me?" A little boy asked his parents as his blue eye stared up at them shining with hope. He was however replied with a scoff "no Naruto. How many times have I told you that you won't be getting any training from us. Your brother and sister need us more, wait till the academy" his father replied not even looking at him.

"But Tou san" The little boy started only to be caught off by a slap from his mother "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO ARGUE WITH YOUR FATHER. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? GO TO YOUR ROOM AND NO FOOD FOR YOU"

The poor boy looked down at the floor as he slowly headed for his room, his siblings laughing at him making him feel even more embarrassed. "Why? Why does Kaa san and Tou san not love me?" The boy cried bitterly till he fell asleep.

Waking up he was faced with his elder twin brother and sister Menma and Naruko who stared at him with disgust "ew you reject. Why are you still here? Why don't you just do everyone a favor and kill yourself" Naruko said looking down at him.

"Oooh he's still hoping that Tou san and Kaa san will love him" Menma mocked as Naruto kept crying holding on to the only thing he had. The evil sibling took notice of it "what is that your holding?" Naruko asked Naruto realizing what they where asking about immediately put it behind his shirt.

"Give me" Naruko said now attacking Naruto to get what ever he was hiding "no" Naruto struggled to keep his dearest possession away from his mean siblings. Menma enraged at Naruto keeping what ever he had from them joined Naruko in attacking their little brother till they got what they wanted. 

Naruto laid on the floor holding his stomach crying from the pain as Naruko held what she saw was a small old stuffed animal "hmmph it's worthless" Naruko said even though they knew it wasn't worth anything and they did not want it. They knew it meant something to Naruto so they wanted to take it. Menma with a smirk on his face "I know we should burn it" Naruto hearing this instantly made a grab for the stuffed animal managing to grab the leg.

"Let Go!" Naruko screamed using her feet to kick Naruto in the head but Naruto still held on, no matter how much they kicked him. Naruko attempted to step on his head but tripped banging her head against the floor.

She screamed in fake pain leading to the Namikaze head, Jiraya, Tsunade and Kakashi to rush upstairs. "What happened?" 

"Naruko wanted to play with Naruto's toy but he got mad and pushed her" Menma lied Naruto instantly started to shake his head "no. no, no Menma is lying...."


Kushina slapped him again "Kaa san" Naruto said shocked "shut up! why are you so selfish?" Minato said to his youngest child "see! I told you, your spoiling him to much" Jiraya voiced out which was funny cause Naruto didn't have anything.

"Since you want to be stingy. Naruko and Menma will not only get your stuffed animal but keep it. As for further punishment you won't be staying in the compound tonight" this was how things always went. His siblings accused him for something and he get's punished without getting to prove his innocence. He get's kicked out the house and has to run for his life. It was a daily cycle.


"Hey look it's the demon" A villager said seeing Naruto by himself after eating a fowl bowl of ramen at ichiraku's. He felt so full but at the same time so tired, he was so happy at the thought of finally getting food to eat that he did not notice.

By the time Naruto noticed that villagers were trying to torture him he had accidently walked in to an ally way "wrong way. I better get out of here before I get in trouble" he turned around only to see he was surrounded.

The villagers seeing that Naruto had finally realized the situation he was in  decided to mock him "where do you think your going demon?" 

Naruto happy turned to pure fear as he started to cry "please, don't hurt me. I just want to go home" he begged "home? would you look at that the demon thinks he has a home" a chunnin mocked making the crowd bust into fit's of laughter.

Naruto knew he was getting out of this and he was just making things worst for himself but he didn't want to go through the beating's again it was painful. Before he could continue begging the had descended on him beating him mercilessly with fists, legs, bats, fry pans and sticks. Anything that would make him feel pain. But Naruto it was just the beginning of his torture.

Losing consciousness by the time he woke up he found himself in a sewer. "So they dumped me in a sewer great. How am I going to get out? I need to get home before lady Kushina get's mad"

Walking further down the sewage in hopes of finding the exist instead he found himself in front of a cage. "SO MY JAILER FINALLY COMES TO VISIT" A strong mighty voice boomed from within the cage, Naruto stepped back frightened by the voice.

In shaky voice the frightened Naruto asked "Who w who are you?" 


A/N: Am ending this chapter here. Like I said I want to breeze through this so I could get to the banishment part of the stories in about three chapters or less.

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