Chapter 1( Retrieval Mission, Series of Heartbreak and Punishment)

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Their two attack collided, knocking them back. Sasuke passed out from hitting the back of his head against a rock. Naruto used the opportunity to pick him up and speed back to Konoha pushing through the pain he felt from having a hole in his chest.

As he was running back to Konoha before anymore sound nin come. In konoha the whole village was gathered waiting for Sasuke return. "What's taking that freak so long? He should have brought Sasuke kun back by now" Naruko said as she waited for her boyfriend to be brought bacl, while Sakura glared at her with jealousy.

"Hey look their back" A villager said pointing to the figure of Naruto walking to the gate with Sasuke on his back bleeding heavily. Naruto had now walked past the gate and gently dropped Sasuke on the ground has he tried to catch his breathe.

"Look Naruko nii chan, Sakura chan. I brought Sasuke back" Naruto said happy that he was able to fulfill his promise to his elder sister and his crush. Naruto had no idea that instead of the villagers being happy everyone was furiously staring at him with pure hatred.

"Lord Minato, Lady Kushina I...."


Naruto received a slap to the face before he could finish his sentence "YOU YOU YOU DEMON" Naruko yelled out as she followed the slap with a punch to Naruto's face making the weakened boy fly back "HOW DARE YOU? I GAVE YOU A SIMPLE TASK AND INSTEAD YOUR BROUGHT SASUKE KUN BACK INJURED" She stomped up to him and slammed her foot on his head, she kept doing it as Naruto just laid there  realizing that nothing he did would ever please his family or his crush.

A hand was placed on Naruko's shoulder looking back she realized it was her elder sister Narumi "let the others handle this failure Naruko we need to go make sure your Sasuke kun is okay" Naruko nodded and followed her elder sister to check on Sasuke at the hospital.

Naruto laid still for a while before shakily getting up much to the anger of everyone there. "Who told you to get up?" Minato asked Naruto calmly before using his feet to slam him back to the ground.

"Hokage sama please understand. That was the only way to bring him back. He tried to kill me" The boy pleaded weakly but his pleas fell on deaf ears. He struggled but managed enough to look at Itachi " please understand. You should know how stubborn your brother can be. He wasn't willing to come back" at least he thought Itachi and his mother Mikoto would understand.

"Shut up" Itachi lowly whispered glaring down at Naruto "I would kill you right now but I have to go check on my son" Mikoto said leaving the crowd Itachi following behind her.

"We need to go with the other to check on Sasuke. I believe you guys can handle him" Minato said "Oh don't worry dad we'll handle him alright" Menma said cracking his knuckles. His parent nodded leaving the crowd to go check on Sasuke.

"You can't just do anything right can you?" Menma asked finishing his question with a kick to his stomach. "Your such a cry baby. Always crying for Kaa san and Tou san attention." Kiba mocked grabbing Naruto by his shirt and pulling him just so he could punch him in the throat. Everyone from Konoha 11, to the anbus, to jounins, to chunins, to genins and most especially civilians took their turn attacking him. Not even ichiraku family, while the women he had loved and thought loved him all watched even the one who was the reason for him being called a demon.

There was no name they did not call him demon, freak, loser, useless, shit and so on. But the most painful thing was seeing the people he cared about laughing at his pain. He cried at the fact that his jiji's the only ones who cared about him were put under house arrest to prevent them from knowing what was happening or helping him.

So he could only take the pain hoping to Kami that he would just die, but he knew things will only get worse for him from hear on out. He cried pleading for his life but they all just laughed and hurt him even more. He had no one at his corner at this time and he couldn't go to his mindscape to help reduce the pain. He was prevented from doing so and he knew why.

Now all he was seeing was black. Not knowing what would happen to him next.


Waking up he found him self in a dark room with just a little dim of light that shown through the small window. He had immediately realized the uncomfortable situation he was in, he back was pressed against the wall where he could feel some undone parts of the wall poking his skin. His hands and leg's we bound tightly to the point that his wrist and legs were hurting and bleeding.

He could the cold feeling on his skin that he was bounded by chains. A chain was wrapped tightly around his neck making breathing hard. His brain felt shut and he was feeling pains in his veins and inside his body like they were on fire. He was having difficulty hearing and could feel his throat hurting.

He remained in that position and started to remember how he helped wave and they thanked him

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He remained in that position and started to remember how he helped wave and they thanked him. He felt like a human being that day. He felt like he finally found people that appreciated his hard work. He found love in Tazuna's daughter and she even kissed him feeling him with hope that they would be a family with herself and Inari. But they lied, they were no different than Konoha. They betrayed him and got with Menma instead. Tsunami dumped me for my elder brother saying he was better than me and Inari well he abandoned me to saying I wasn't as cool as my brother. Much to the disagreement of Tazuna the bridge was named after Sasuke and Menma.

I cried after that happen, then after that Zabuza and Haku who were still alive said they would never abandoned him and took him to Kiri to meet the rebel leader Mei. He was trained for a few weeks by Zabuza and Mei. He helped Mei win the war and thought he found love again with her, but was betrayed again and found out he was only used his parent being involved and that Mei was engaged to Menma. That day Mei made him watch as she slept with Menma. He felt so humiliated.

The same thing with Temari but she was engaged to Sasuke along with anko, hana and Kurenai but Asuma wasn't happy about it, then the Iwa's leader granddaughter Kurosotchi and then Samui, Yugito and Mabui along with their respective villages all joined in betraying me. I should have known that I would always be alone, no one would love me. I would die alone. But what pained the most was that kisara, no Kyubi the woman he though would remain with him betrayed him for his brother

"Your awake, good" he hadn't even realized that the door was open as he saw Ibiki, Ino, anko, kurenai, Naruko, Itachi, Menma, Narumi, Sakura, Mikoto and Kisara  all pile into the room he was chained in with torches.

"Time for the real fun to start demon" 

A/N: Hope you don't mind I made it short. But I would try and put flashbacks here and there concerning his ex's who betrayed him for his brother and Sasuke.

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