Chapter 9

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"Naruto this is for the best. You should go out of the elemental nations get stronger than all of us combined, than the kyubi even. Find happiness, get away from all the killing and brutal mission of elemental nations. Your too good for the people here and most likely Konoha and the other great villages might try to finish what they started  now that your in the bingo book." Nagato told a sad Naruto who nodded understanding what his uncle was saying.

"Yes uncle" Naruto whispered tearing up, Nagato and Konan seeing this started to tear up also. The other Akatsuki members even the normally stoic Kakazu and Sasori were crying. "Thank you all for accepting me into your village and loving me like I was your family" Naruto started "you are our family Naruto " A Ame villager yelled, making everyone laugh a bit reducing the sad mood.

"I will never forget all your kindness towards me. I am indeed  grateful to you all" Naruto said to everyone wiping his eyes. Naruto grabbed his back pack which contained scrolls with everything he needs.

"Don't worry he will be alright." Shiro an angel of Kami that was sent to help Naruto said. "But before we go, here" Shiro handed Nagato a scroll "what's this?" Nagato questioned. "In that scroll contains things that would help improve the village" Shiro simply stated. "When you have time you and the other members open it"

They nodded "we'll be taking our leave to Uzushio now" Shiro announced Naruto gave a bow to the gathered villagers before waving good bye Shiro doing the same thing. They turned around and walked away the villagers waving back and yelling good bye to them until they had disappeared into the forest.

"It will be a long time till we see our little brother again by then he will be a bit grown" Hidan said sniffling a bit. Diedra seeing this decided to get some fun out of this "are you crying?"

"No" Hidan said quickly wiping his eyes. "Let's go we have to see what is inside the scroll and Kisame you have to go help in the academy" Konan said as the crowd was slowly reducing. Walking up to the base Konan picked up a little girl making the girl squealed as Nagato and others smile at her interaction with the kid.


Naruto and Shiro arrived at Uzushio three days later after traveling with no rest. They decided to to rest there a bit for at least two weeks till their ship has been built with the help of Naruto's and Shiro's clones. Why at Uzushio Shiro trained Naruto on archery, sword fights and unlimited blade works using a dimension that made one month equal to one second in real life.

Naruto was also taught Kung fu and Karate by Shiro. Shiro wanted to make sure Naruto won't find difficulties in the new world like Kami instructed him so he started teaching him some of the history's in the world he was going to.

"So they have war there too?" Naruto asked Shiro "yes they have war there too Naruto. But unlike us they don't have powers they depend on weapons. While some who are strong enough learn some hand to hand combats. In their wars they use bombs that can destroy all of Konoha and more" Naruto was surprised by this bombs powerful enough to destroy the whole of Konoha.

"So the people there are not innocent. They are probably just as bad as people in elemental nations. They have greedy and selfish leaders there too, there people also get robbed or killed, women get raped and children get kidnapped. The place is filled with poor people, some poor because they cant work or help themselves others are just to lazy to work for their money. They want to make money the easy way" Shiro said as Naruto looked at him nodding in understanding.

Shiro looked at Naruto and smile a genuine smile "but you will like it. I still consider it better than here because there they have laws that limits this things. There it's a crime to rape a woman or child so if you get caught and exposed you can be serving long jail time no matte who you are. Leaders there have to follow the laws there are they can't break and there are some that do break them but do it in the secret. Kid's get killed in schools but it's rare. It can be easily dealt with." 

"That's terrible but I like the laws part." Naruto said as Shiro smiled "they have police and soldiers that handle those things although some are corrupt and choose not to help. You don't have to be a soldier to make money, in fact there are many ways to make money there. There are lots of illegal way and legal ways. Any way enough of that world when you get there am sure you will start to learn more about there that I can explain to you" Shiro said patting Naruto in the shoulder.

"Get some sleep Naruto. Early in the morning we are getting on the ship and leaving"

A/N: I have to go to school now. So I decided to update this chapter. Please vote and comment your thoughts thank you.

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