Prologue 2 (Academy Days and Teams)

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Time Skip:

"Naruto what was the first Hokage known for ?" Iruka asked believing that the boy won't know it but to his surprise "the first Hokage was known for creating Konoha and defeating Madara Uchiha" The boy answered.

Mizuki seethed "who told you to speak Naruto? That question was meant for Naruko" Iruka nodded agreeing with Mizuki as they both hated the boy.


"No buts. How dare you try to speak over me?" Mizuki said smirking as he had a chance to punish and humiliate the boy.

"Naruto you have detention after class for interrupting, you will also clean the board and the classroom when everyone is training outside." Iruka said

Naruto's classmate laughed at him, as he tried so hard to hold his tears, he should be used to it by no as this happens every time in class and no one helps him except his jiji. His parent know about it but instead encourage it.  He sat on the back of the class with a broken chair and table. He has fell because of the chair numerous time and always got in trouble because the table or chair made to much noise no matter how hard he tries to prevent it.

"Naruko sama can you please answer the question?" Iruka asked the spoiled hokage's daughter who smugly stood up and said literally the say thing Naruto said "the first hokage was known for defeating Madara Uchiha with his powers and creating Konoha" once she had answered the question the whole class clapped for her.

"Wow Naruko your so smart. I don't know how you and Menma are related to that freak Naruto." Kiba said loudly throwing as paper at said person.

"Yeah it must suck" Ino laughed

"He so useless. I see why your parents find no use of him" Hinata said making him flinch. Naruto couldn't believe Hinata out of all people would say that about him. He thought they were friends. He saved her from getting beating by bullies and getting kidnapped by Kumo.

"He so weak. One punch is all it takes to deal with him" Sasuke laughed loudly for Naruto to hear and the class followed, mocking the poor boy.

Training time came and Naruto was left to clean the board, the classrom, the bathroom, the teachers room and taking out the trash. While the other kids trained outside learning new things.

By the time he got home that day he was punished by his parents, elder sister Narumi and his god parents. With his fathers students Kakashi, Rin and Obito telling him how much of a disappointment he was.


Time Skip:

"Jiji can you please train me? No one wants to help me, at least the basics" The third hokage hearing this felt bad for the boy he had grown to love as a grandson.

"Alright Naruto. I will help you unlock your chakra, then teach you basic chakra control exercises and once we are done with that we will go from there" 

Naruto nodded happily, jumping up and down happy at finally being some things to help him in his ninja career. "But first you have to eat something Naru, you look so frail like you could break any moment." 

"Hey Konohmaru tell you mom to make some food for me and Naruto" Sarutobi told his grandson.

"But why grand dad. He is not special, no one likes him. Menma and Sasuke are way more cooler than he is " The younger boy said looking at Naruto with disgust.

"KONOHAMARU" The grandfather called out.

"I am very disappointed in you. What has Naruto done to you to say such things about? Naruto is a good kid, one you should look up to" Hiruzen said not hiding his disappointment of his grandson. If there is anyone Konohamaru should look up to, it should be Naruto. Not Menma or Sasuke they were terrible role models.

The grandson finally went to his mother crying about how his grandpa yelled at him because of Naruto. Upsetting the mother and Asuma. The food was brought out but Naruto's portion was smaller but her never complained. After eating Hiruzen took him to a private training ground no one knew about and opened his chakra.

From there he thought Naruto the leaf chakra exercise which Naruto four hour before he was successfully able to do it. By the time got home he was punished by his parent for going to beg the third Hokage for food.


A year later Naruto had gotten stronger with the help of the third Hokage rising to a High Genin level in just a year. Today well he was waiting for his team as he had graduated yesterday he was so happy to be getting out of one hell hole.

"Team 7 Naruko Namikaze, Menma Namikaze, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and Naruto. Team leader Kakashi Hatake and Lady Kushina" Iruka announced "it's been honor to be your teacher. Make Konoha proud" Iruka said doing a quick speech before the sensei's came to pick their students.

"Team 8" a black haired red eyed jounin by the name of Kurenai called out  as Kiba, Shino and Hinata followed her. Asuma then came and collected his team. Team 7 waited for about an hour for their sensei.

"Hey weakling. You should just give up being a shinobi." Menma told his younger brother trying to get a reaction from him but frowned when Naruto just put his head on the table and said nothing.

"Hey loser am talking to you. How dare you ignore me?" Menma made his way over to him upset at Naruto ignoring him. Naruko, Saskue and Sakura glared at him "Menma, why waste your breath on some trash. He is not worth it" 

Sakura attacked Naruto for ignoring her and her Sasuke kun and Menma kun. Naruto took the punch "but Sakura chan I did nothing wrong" Naruto cried out to his crush.

"Shut up you demon freak" said girl said making the boy look down. The three bullies laughed seeing the blond sad state. Menma decided to pull a prank on his mom and big brother and blame it on Naruto. He placed a dusty board eraser connected to a ninja wire at the top of the door.

Once the door was opened he pulled the wire causing the eraser to actually fall on top their mother. They laughed as Naruto was worried about his mother.

Kakashi walked into the door after Kushina "who did this?" the other kids all pointed at Naruto "what no it wasn't me Kaa san. I was seated the whole time"

Kushina furiously walked up to the blond and slapped him "shut up you liar. You mean to tell me that the four are all lying?" 

"But Kaa san"

"No but. Go home you won't becoming with us to get food and for the introduction. This team already know what it needs to know about you, failure" Kushina said not even allowing her youngest to speak.

As Naruto got up and slowly walked to the doo, Kakashi decided to voice his own opinion on Naruto "why do you always have to cause your parents trouble. Why can't you be like your siblings? Why are you so weak and useless" 

A/N: Another chapter enjoy! I hope you love it this story. Please vote and comment your thoughts on everyone so far.

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