Chapter 6

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"That's enough training for today. Go take a shower and come eat" 

"Hai" Naruto responded as Nagato patted him on the shoulders and went back inside. Naruto did as told and joined the members for a nice dinner.

"Stop wasting all my money on stupid bets" Kakazu complained glaring at Kisame who pouted and wrapped his arm around Kisame's shoulders "hey but it's our money too" Kisame replied as Kakazu smacked his hands away.

"Your terrible at gambling almost as worst as that old blonde bitch" Deidra said to Kisame who growled "don't ever compare me to that bitch" 

"And if I do?" Deidra said looking smugly at Kisame "I will beat your ass" the two started bickering back and forth as the others watched "enough. You two are acting like kids" Nagato said as Naruto let out a small chuckle to the surprise of everyone.

"Naruto" Konan said, making said boy looks at her 

"You laughed"  she said, the group was surprised as her but smiled at the fact that they were able to make Naruto smile, even if it was just for a little bit. 

After they finished eating Naruto helped Konan do the dishes  "uncle Nagato am going to go walk around the village" Naruto informed his uncle who nodded. Naruto walked around the village of Ame interacting with the people and  helping them.

"Big brother Naruto" kids yelled running to Naruto happily. "Can you play ninja with us?" the kids asked Naruto nodded and played Ninja with the kids. He found them quickly due to training but they had a hard time finding him.

"No fair. Lets play again" They yelled. "Sorry but I have to now. Next time okay" Naruto said and the pouted "I will even take you all out for ice cream" hearing this they got excited "hai"

Naruto walked to a training ground to do some training before going back. He was all alone in the training ground before sensing a strong presence. Naruto got in a defensive position "who are you? Show yourselves" 

Three women and three men appeared before his very eyes "you don't have to worry Naruto we are not going to hurt you" one of the woman with white hair said.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" 

"We've been watching you and believe me there are many times we wanted to help you  but couldn't. Because we can't interfere in the affairs of humans" The woman said. Naruto stared at them confused "your saying human as if you all are something else" 

They laughed "you are correct Naruto we are deities. I am Kami" She said as they changed into their true form. What Naruto saw was the most beautiful beings he had ever seen. The woman that claimed to be Kami now stood 5 feet 12 inches, dressed in the most pure and whitest robe he had ever seen with gold linings. Her hair was down her back and she had bright icy eyes.

"This is Yami" She said pointing to the 5 feet 12 inches lady with black long hair and black eyes. "The moron trying to look scary is Shinigami" she pointed to a 6 feet 1 inches man with black hair tied back in a bun. Kami introduced the other as Amaterasu, Susanoo and Tsukuyomi.

"Are you here to take me to hell?" Naruto said and the deities immediately frowned "no Naruto. We are here to apologize for not trying hard to help you.  We are sorry Naruto. You never deserved what those evil monsters did to you." Amaterasu said surprising Naruto.

"Don't worry they will suffer the consequences for all they have done to you?" Yami said Naruto looked at them cautiously. "We mean you no harm Naruto" Yami said softly.

"We want to help and bless you. You can decide to get revenge or let them lead their selves to there downfall. What ever it's your choice" Shinigami said.

"We swear on our honor that we will never betray you as long as you don't harm innocents" Susanoo said being honest.

"We will give you some abilities, weapons and summoning contracts. Whether they choose to accept you is up to the summons" Tsukuyomi said

"I will go first" He said walked towards Naruto who decided to trust her seeing as they were deities and if they wanted to kill him they could without needs for tricks. She place her hand on his shoulder and a  bright glow appeared. Naruto felt power flowing through him.

"I increased your chakra pool and your chakra. I also made sure that you will be able to focus better and have more understanding of things whether ninja related, money related, politics and thing may not have known about before. I also made you immune to genjustu, but you will have to work on performing genjustu on your own. Also since wolves are basically my spirit animals they won't arm you or anyone you consider family. They would instead protect you. I also give you the wolve summon" Tsukuyomi finished.

"I guess I will go next I give you this sword it's called void I believe you will learn how to do kenjustu. Along with the sword I give you the storm release kenke taotai.  I also give you this sealing scroll, no one has them except it was giving to them by a deity it will never run out and you can use them for anything. Also I blessed with unlimited blade work. Consider it your own word, your own dimension filled with all types of blades, bows, arrows, spears and throwing knives. But you would have to learn how to use it, I will give you instructions don't worry" Susanoo finished.

Amaterasu went next and gave Naruto a phoenix summoning contract, a lava release ability and like Susanoo gave him a dimension that he can summon to store things. But unlike Susanoo's which was just weapons it can also stored all types of treasure.

 Shingami, Yami and Kami blessed him giving him a sword called light that can destroy evil souls and cut through anything, giving him the dragon, lions and tigers summoning contract, gave him the mokuton, the rennigan, ice release and crystal release. 

"Here take this scroll when ever you want to leave the elemental nations. I believe this will help you"

A/N: I think I made this chapter to long but hope you enjoy it. Comment below was there any powers I should have made the deities give him.

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