Chapter 37

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Naruto's House

10:25 pm

"Ru"  Robyn called out

"Rob I missed you all three of you" I said hugging her tighter from behind. She turned around in my hold and wrapped her arm around my neck pulling me in for a kiss " I missed you too. We all did." She whispered against my lips scratching the back of my neck while looking at me with pure love.

"Babe your back" Kylies voice said followed by her hands wrapping around my waist "yes I am"  I replied grabbing her hands and pulling it up to my lips. She moved from behind me and stood beside me grabbing my head and turning it towards her pulling me in for another kiss which I greatly appreciated.

"Hey Bumble Bee" I said loud enough for her to hear me from the shower "welcome back" she replied shortly cutting of the showers. I guess done. She came out the shower with her towel wrapped around her looking amazing.

She came towards me and pulled me in for a kiss placing her hand on my chest. The kiss got deeper and I had to pull away before we end up going to far. "Missed me" 

"A lot" Robyn said as I wrapped my arm around her neck all four of us walking to the room since I had already taking a shower. 

"I really missed you" Robyn whispered against my lips as I felt her hand  travel from my chest to the waistband of my pants as we all laid on the bed watching a movie. "I missed you too but we have to focus on the movie" 

"Forget about the movie, focus on me" She replied as she tugged down on the waistband of my basketball shorts. "But the kids.."

"Are sleeping" Bey replied cutting me off as she stared up at me her eyes a little darker than they normally are. "What are you scared?" Kylie asked and I was sure she had a smirk on her face while asking me that question.

"Um no"

Robyn proceeded to straddle my waist leaning down to capture my lips in a kiss. I placed my hand on each side of the back of her thighs rubbing them as the kiss got deeper. Her lips were so soft I can keep kissing her forever but that would be a problem due to need for oxygen. Her lips slowly trailed over my face as she places light kisses over my face. 

She eventually managed to take my white plain shirt off. I could feel the stares of my girlfriends on my body probably surprised by my scars. They stopped what ever they were doing.

"Your parent's"

"Did they do this?"

"Yes but they were not the only one" I explained to them. They gave me a look of sadness and I could even see tears rolling down their face. They rubbed their hands on my scars while placing kisses on them.

I felt something wet on my chest looking for what it was I saw their head laying on my chest and crying. "What's wrong? Why are you three crying?"

"Parent are supposed to love their kids. All of them not loving one and leaving the other. Am sorry to say this but your parents are monsters. To put you through all this and not even feel an ounce of guilt" Bey said trying so hard to keep her tears from falling but the more she tried to wipe them off the more tears streamed down her face.

"Don't worry about it alright. It's the past and none of the people who did this to me can do it to me any longer. So wipe your tears love" I said softly gently pulling her head to my chest and patting her back.

"Am alright. Plus am stronger now so you don't have to worry" I added trying to ease them. "But it doesn't change the fact that you childhood was horrible"

"It doesn't I know. But right now am just happy to with you three and to be able to hold you in my arms" I replied and that got me a small smile from them.

"No you trying to be a smooth talker" Kylies said letting out a small chuckle as she wiped her tears. "Is it working?" I asked with raised eyebrow "yes".  They laid on me and we stayed like that till we fell asleep.

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